Job Search Email Templates That Earn Interviews

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April 29, 2024
Edited by
Camille Trent
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min read

3 key takeaways

  • Sending job search emails can distinguish you in a competitive job market.
  • Consider sending job search emails to inquire about job opportunities.
  • Teal's Job Application Tracker has email templates to help you send tailored, impactful messages and stay organized throughout your job search.

An effective job search email can surface new opportunities and secure your dream role.

With countless applicants applying for the same positions, proactive networking emails can give you a needed edge.

This guide will equip you with the strategies and tools needed to create emails that grab the attention of recruiters, employers, and former coworkers to aid you in your search. 

Struggling to write (and stay on top of) your job search emails? Use the email templates within Teal's free Job Tracker to organize your applications and follow-ups so you never miss an opportunity.

What is a job search email?

A job search email is an email sent to potential employers, recruiters, or networking contacts by someone seeking employment. The purpose of this email is to:

  • Inquire about open positions
  • Express interest in working for a particular company
  • Request information about potential job opportunities
  • Submit a formal application along with a resume and cover letter

Here are the fundamental elements of a job search email:

1. Subject Line

The subject line acts as your headline—sharp and insightful, potentially hinting at the job opening you're eyeing, a standout skill you possess, or indicating the networking intent behind the email.

Example: John Smith – Senior Software Engineer with 10+ Years in AI.

This subject line is effective as it includes:

  1. Name: Helps personalize and identify the sender quickly.
  2. Intent: Clearly states the background — applying for a specific position.
  3. Unique Qualification: Highlights a standout skill or area of expertise which can capture the recipient's interest and differentiate the sender from other candidates.

Keep an eye on character lengths, however, as your subject line might get truncated. A good rule of thumb is to limit subject lines to fewer than 60 characters when possible. 

2. Salutation

If possible, personalize your greeting by addressing the recipient directly. "Dear [Name]" adds a touch of personal connection. If you don't have a name, the traditional "Dear Hiring Manager" suffices, albeit less directly.


“Dear Jane Doe,”

Again, if you don’t know the name of your hiring manager, a simple “Dear Hiring Manager” will suffice. 

3. Introduction

Start off with a brief introduction. State your name and explicitly mention the purpose of your email. If a particular job posting piqued your interest, or if you came across the company through your own network or a referral, this is the place to note that connection.


My name is Jane Doe, and I am writing to express my interest in the Project Manager position listed on your careers page. I was thrilled to learn about this opportunity from my former colleague, John Smith, who is currently part of your development team.” 

This introduction is concise yet informative, indicating the sender’s name, the purpose of the email, and a personal connection or referral, which can help create a favorable impression from the outset.

4. Body

This section is your stage—share your enthusiasm for the open position and company and briefly summarize why you're the right job candidate.

Tie your skills and past achievements to the job description, offering a glimpse into how your career path aligns with their objectives. Highlight how your past experiences mold you into an ideal fit.


“In my current role as an Assistant Project Manager at XYZ Corporation, I've had the opportunity to lead cross-functional teams in the successful delivery of both small-scale and large-scale projects, ensuring they meet strict deadlines and budget requirements. 

One of my key achievements was spearheading a project that delivered a 20% cost savings without compromising on quality, directly contributing to an increase in client satisfaction rates by 35%. 

This experience has honed my ability to efficiently manage resources and navigate the complexities of diverse project demands.

Your job listing specifically mentions a need for an individual skilled in risk management and adept at working within tight budgets. At XYZ Corporation, I developed and implemented a comprehensive risk assessment process that reduced project delays by 50%. 

Furthermore, my hands-on experience in budget management enabled our team to allocate resources more effectively, ensuring projects remained within financial targets.I am particularly drawn to your company’s commitment to innovation and excellence in sustainable construction, an area I’m passionate about. I believe my background in implementing green project solutions aligns with your organization's vision.

I am eager to bring my expertise in project management, along with my commitment to sustainability and innovation, to the Project Manager position at your company.”

This portion of the email does several things effectively:

  • Skills and achievements: It links specific skills and achievements with the job description, showing why the candidate is a good fit.
  • Relevant experiences: It mentions relevant experiences that align with the company's needs or values.
  • Enthusiasm for the company: It expresses genuine interest in the company’s mission and projects.
  • Contribution: It demonstrates how the candidate can contribute to the company, not just check boxes.

Keep the body of the email focused and relevant, providing a compelling snapshot of your qualifications and how they relate to the job and the company.

5. Closing

Offer your thanks for their time and consideration, signaling your eagerness for follow-up action, be it an interview invite or a simple conversation. This is also where you can subtly encourage them to peek at your LinkedIn profile or cover letter for a more in-depth view of your professional journey.


“Thank you very much for considering my application. I would be delighted to provide further information or discuss how I can contribute to your team in more detail. Please feel free to contact me at any time. Additionally, I invite you to review my LinkedIn profile (link) for a comprehensive overview of my professional history.

Looking forward to your positive response and the opportunity to discuss my application in more detail.”

This closure does a few important things:

  • Expresses enthusiasm: It reiterates the candidate's interest in the position and the company.
  • Shows gratitude: It thanks the recipient for their time and consideration, respecting the effort the reader must put in to review the application.
  • Invites further action: It leaves the door open for further communication, suggesting a willingness to provide more information or discuss the fit in more detail.

Remember to customize the closing to fit your personal style and the level of formality of the industry you're applying to.

6. Signature

Conclude with a professional sign-off. "Best regards" or "Sincerely" are professional options followed by your name. 


Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

[LinkedIn Profile Link]

You don’t need to overthink this. Keep it simple and traditional. 

Just be sure to provide your contact information, including your LinkedIn profile, to give the hiring managers several ways to contact you.

7. Attachments

Mention any documents you've attached, like your resume or cover letter. These should be well-organized and in a widely accessible format, PDF or Word, to ease the review process.

Need some help finding job opportunities worth emailing about? Check out this guide on the best job search apps.

How to write compelling job inquiry emails

Job search anxiety is real. Job searching is already a vulnerable act. You’re experiencing rejection and a rollercoaster of emotions. So putting yourself out there by initiating the first email with a prospective company can feel intimidating.

Choose from one of the following frameworks, depending on your objective, when writing your next job inquiry email:

  1. Address the CEO: When emailing the CEO directly, keep your email brief and to the point. Introduce yourself, express interest in their company, and ask about potential opportunities. Highlight how your skills and experiences would benefit their organization.
  2. Ask for a job opportunity: Clearly state your interest in a specific open role and make your request clear. Do you want an interview? A resume review? Are you offering to complete a test project? Make your offer compelling and make a case for moving forward by summarizing your relevant qualifications and attaching your resume. Express appreciation for their consideration.
  3. Email your resume: Use a clear subject line like "Resume: [Your Name] for [Role].” Or, if you’re feeling bold and want to improve chances the email is opened, go for a (work appropriate) subject line they can’t ignore. Attach your updated resume as a PDF. In the body, reiterate your interest and mention how your skills match the requirements.

One significant challenge applicants face is writing personalized, impactful emails without spending hours staring at a blank screen, unsure of where to start. 

That’s where Teal steps in.

Teal's Job Tracker is an invaluable tool for job seekers, offering a suite of features tailored to streamline the job application process:

1. Job search email templates

Crafting the perfect email can be tough. Teal’s platform demystifies this process with customizable email templates. 

These templates provide a strong foundation, ensuring your communication is professional and engaging from the start. 

Teal email templates
Teal's Job Tracker includes email templates for every stage of the job search.

2. Visibility with the Job Search Tracker

Keeping track of every application and when to follow up can feel like a juggling act. The Job Search Tracker gives job seekers an overview of their application statuses at a glance. 

This organization tool not only keeps you on top of your job search but also strategically informs you when it's the right time to send a follow-up email or thank you note, increasing your chances of success.

Teal job tracker stages
The Teal Job Tracker gives job seekers an overview of their application statuses.

3. Suggested steps for follow-up

Teal doesn’t just help you send out initial applications; it also guides you on the journey that follows.

Based on the status of your applications within the Job Tracker, Teal suggests optimal times and strategies for following up. This means you’re never left wondering when to touch base or risk letting a potential opportunity slip through the cracks due to inaction.

The Teal Job Tracker helps you follow up with every application
Teal's Job Tracker helps you follow up with every application so nothing slips through the cracks.

The ability to start with a well-crafted template, maintain a clear view of where each application stands, and receive timely advice on follow-ups can transform the job search from a stressful endeavor into a structured, manageable process.

Feeling overwhelmed? Read this in-depth guide on how to create a strategic job search plan.

Professional job search email templates

The same job email template won't work for every situation. Here are effective email templates for three common job search scenarios.

1. General networking email template

This template works well for reaching out to connections and building your own professional contacts and network during a job search:

Subject: Catching up and a new career opportunity career opportunity

Dear [Name],

It's been a while since we last connected at [event/workplace]. I'm currently exploring new career opportunities in [industry/field] and am reaching out to my friends and respected professionals like yourself for advice and insights.

[Brief background on your experience and current situation]. Given your expertise in [area of expertise], I was hoping to get your perspective on [career goal/type of role]. Any advice or feedback would be greatly appreciated as I navigate this process.

If you have a few minutes for a call or meeting, I'd be happy to connect and provide more details then. Either way, I hope we can reconnect soon.

Thank you for your time,

[Your Name]

This template works because it personalizes the message, provides context on your situation, and makes a clear ask for advice from the recipient.

2. Job opportunity inquiry email template

When inquiring about potential job openings, this email helps showcase your relevant qualifications:

Subject: Experienced [Job Title] Interested in Opportunities at [Company]

Dear Hiring Manager, 

I just caught wind of [Company]'s groundbreaking work in the [industry] world. Having been in the [industry] scene as a [job title] for over [X] years, I’d love to chat about how I might add to the mix with your team.

[2-3 brief sentences highlighting relevant experience and accomplishments that align with the role/company]. I have a proven track record of [key skills] and excel at [areas of expertise].

I've attached my resume for your review. I would welcome the chance to further discuss how my qualifications could be an asset to [Company]. Please let me know if you have any availability for a brief call or meeting.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.


[Your Name]

This template is effective because it immediately conveys relevant qualifications, highlights key skills that match the role, and expresses enthusiasm for the specific company/position.

3. Previous employer email template

When reaching out to former colleagues or managers, this template helps maintain positive relationships:

Subject: Exploring New Opportunities

Dear [Name],

I wanted to reach out and let you know that after [X] years with [Company], I've made the difficult decision to pursue new career opportunities that are better aligned with my long-term goals.

My time at [Company] was invaluable, and I'm extremely grateful for the experiences, skills, and relationships I've built—including my experience working with you. [Insert 1-2 sentences about positive experience and impact].

As I begin my job search, I would deeply appreciate if you could serve as a professional reference for me. Your perspective on my work performance and capabilities would be incredibly helpful. Please let me know if you need any additional information from me.

Thank you in advance for your consideration. I hope we can keep in touch as I navigate this transition. My personal email is [[email protected]].

All the best,

[Your Name]

This template works because it informs the recipient of your decision in a respectful manner, expresses gratitude for your previous experience, and makes a clear request to be a reference moving forward.

Of course, if you have not yet left your current job, be careful what you disclose. It’s not necessarily wise to share that you plan to leave before you actually have.

Inquiring about job opportunities via email

When inquiring about potential job opportunities at a company, it's important to strike the right tone—you want to come across as a person genuinely interested and qualified without being pushy or entitled.

Start by introducing yourself and explaining your reason for reaching out, such as recently discovering an alignment between your skillset and the company's work.

Politely inquire if they have any relevant openings or foresee future needs that could be a potential fit.

Avoid directly asking for a job, and instead write to express interest in learning more.

Tips on when and how to send job search emails

Timing is key when sending job inquiry emails.

Don't send job emails on major holidays, summer breaks, or other downtimes when hiring may be slower. Research the company and industry to identify typical hiring times. Check if they have an online career page and follow any posted submission instructions.

If emailing, find the appropriate contact. That could be a recruiter, HR manager, or the hiring manager for your role. Personalize each message and keep it concise yet detailed enough to demonstrate your qualifications.

Is it appropriate to email companies you're interested in working for?

While some view this as a faux pas, politely inquiring with companies about jobs you're interested in can be an effective job search strategy if done thoughtfully.

Do your research on the company, roles, and tap into any connections you may have. Don't just blast hundreds of companies with the same generic message.

Instead, focus your efforts on a shortlist of places that truly excite you and align with your goals. A tailored, warm inquiry expressing genuine interest can go a long way and may lead to opportunities that weren't advertised.

Emailing previous employers about your job search

When starting a new job search, you can inform close connections at previous employers about your situation. This not only maintains open lines of communication but also allows them to potentially provide job leads or serve as references.

A thoughtful and professional email can go a long way in preserving positive relationships.

Craft your message with care, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to have worked with them.

Clearly state your intentions to seek new career prospects, but avoid negativity about your previous role or company. Emphasize your continued respect and appreciation for the organization.

Haven't left your current role yet but are still looking for a job? Check out this article on how to find a job while still employed.

Maintaining positive relationships and references

Your former colleagues and managers can be invaluable assets during your job hunt, providing references and potential insider information about openings.

In answer to your email, you may politely inquire if they are comfortable serving as a reference for a future job application. This simple gesture demonstrates consideration and allows them to decline gracefully if needed. Maintaining these connections can pay dividends, as positive reference letter from respected sources carry significant weight with potential employers.

Plus, you never know when your paths may cross again. Leaving on good terms and nurturing relationships helps ensure you have a network of advocates, mentors, and potential colleagues to draw upon throughout your career journey.

Should you create a separate email address for your job search?

Having a separate email address offers several benefits.

It helps maintain a polished and focused presence when reaching out to companies, preventing your personal inbox from getting cluttered with job-related emails.

This dedicated channel also makes it easier to organize and track all communication related to your job applications and follow-ups. You’d hate to miss out on an opportunity because you mistook it as a promotional email.

When deciding whether to create a new email address or use an existing one, consider the following pros and cons:

Pros of creating a new email address:

  • Gives you a fresh start with a professional username (ideally some variation of your name)
  • Keeps your job search activities separate from personal and work emails
  • Avoids any inappropriate or unprofessional email addresses

Cons of creating a new email address:

  • Takes time to set up and share the new email with contacts
  • Requires monitoring an additional inbox
  • May need to eventually transfer important emails to a personal account

Pros of using an existing email address in your job search:

  • Convenience of using a familiar, established account
  • No need to share a new email address with contacts
  • All communications are consolidated in one place

Cons of using an existing email address in your job search:

  • Current email address may not be as professional (e.g. [email protected])
  • Inbox could get overwhelmed mixing job search with personal emails
  • Potential for mixing up personal and professional communications

Ultimately, the decision depends on your personal preference and how comfortable you are with your current email address and its level of professionalism.

Steps to set up a professional email address

Creating a dedicated email address for your job search is an easy way to maintain a professional presence. Follow these steps:

  1. Choose a reputable email service provider like Gmail, Outlook, or your ISP's email.
  2. Use a professional username structure like [email protected].
  3. Set up your account with your full name and a professional profile photo.
  4. Create a signature with your name, contact info, and links to your portfolio/profiles.

Send job search emails with confidence

Crafting effective emails is crucial to standing out and getting noticed by potential employers.

From initial inquiries to follow-ups and negotiations, every email you send is an opportunity to showcase your professionalism, communication skills, and genuine interest in the role and company.

Teal's AI-powered tools are designed to improve your job search efforts, including the AI Resume Builder for creating tailored application materials and the Job Tracker so you can follow up with opportunities.

Using Teal, you can confidently present yourself as the ideal candidate and maintain a consistent, professional presence throughout your job search journey.

Sign up for Teal for free to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I politely ask about job opportunities?

When inquiring about potential openings, start by expressing interest in the company and why you're a good fit. Then, politely ask if they have any relevant roles open or foresee future opportunities. Avoid language that seems demanding or entitled. Thank them for their time and consideration.

Should I create a new email just for job searching?

Having a dedicated email for your job search is highly recommended. It keeps communications separate from personal accounts and presents a professional image to employers. This also prevents any confusion and ensures important emails don't get lost or overlooked. Take the time to set up a new, clean email just for your job hunt.

What is a good email format for job searches?

A professional email format is key when job searching. Use a reputable provider like Gmail or Outlook, and create a professional email address with your name like [email protected]. Avoid unprofessional usernames or providers that could raise red flags. Keep the email address simple and easy to type.

Nathan Thompson

Nathan is a professional content marketer who's been lucky enough to write for some of the best SaaS brands on the planet, including Twilio, Trello, OptinMonster, TrustPulse, and more. When he's not obsessing over performance metrics, Nathan spends most of his time wrestling around with his kids.

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