How to Use a Job Search Spreadsheet [Examples + Templates]

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April 4, 2024
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min read

3 key takeaways

  • What a job search spreadsheet does to help you stay on top of applications, track progress, and manage follow-ups
  • Why job application tracking goes beyond organization to support a job search strategy
  • How Teal’s free Job Application Tracker helps you manage your job search and stay organized without messy files or folders

It's no secret that finding a new job can be time-consuming and exhausting.

With so much competition and little room for error, you need to optimize your job search. When you use the right job application tracking process, you find job opportunities faster and organize them more easily. So where do you start and what are the best tools and resources to track your job search end-to-end?

Want to organize job applications, minimize errors, and simplify your search? Sign up for Teal for free!

What is a job search spreadsheet?

A job tracking spreadsheet is a simple tool that can help you stay organized, track job interviews, get hired, and manage all the jobs you apply to.

It's a great way to manage your job search process, make sure you're following up with recruiters on time and in the right way, and stay accountable to yourself, your progress, and your goals.

A tool like Teal's free Job Application Tracker will encourage you to thoroughly read job descriptions, take detailed notes, and continue to follow up with hiring managers about the roles you are most excited about.

Important features of a job search spreadsheet

To be an effective tool, a job search spreadsheet should include several specific sections to help you manage your applications.

Here are some of the most important ones:

  • A section to document your impressions about each job opportunity
  • Columns for the job title, company name, date of application, salary range, contact details, interview dates, and current status
  • A section for follow-up details and dates
  • Checklists for application tasks so you never miss important steps

The benefits of using a job tracker

Using a job tracker offers plenty of advantages. These benefits make the entire process more structured and efficient (and less overwhelming!). 

  • Improved organization: Keeps all your application details in one place, allowing easy access rather than digging through multiple files, folders, and calendars.
  • Better time management: Helps you track important dates (like application deadlines, follow-up opportunities, and interview schedules) so you're always prepared and can allocate your time appropriately, reducing last-minute rushes and stress.
  • More strategic overview: Offers a high-level view of your job search pipeline so you understand everything in play, see trends, and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Greater focus: Allows you to prioritize applications and concentrate on opportunities that match your skills and career goals.

How do I use a job search spreadsheet?

A job search spreadsheet might sound like a good idea, but it might also be hard to imagine using it in your day-to-day job hunt. Here's how it works: 

  1. When you find a job that piques your interest, log it in your job tracking spreadsheet. Record the opportunity, important details, and your level of excitement.
  2. Once you decide to hit apply, follow your checklist and use your notes section to make sure you don't miss any important steps or details (like company core values, what they do, who they serve, etc.)  
  3. After you apply, update the spreadsheet with the date, any contact information, and additional dates for follow-ups. (This helps track your job search progress and plan your next steps.)
  4. Then, use the spreadsheet to schedule reminders for follow-up emails or calls on your calendar so you stay engaged.
  5. Before interviews, refer to the notes in your spreadsheet to prepare by revisiting the job description, your application, company details, and any communication.
  6. After each interview, update the spreadsheet with your impressions and any feedback (this can be invaluable for future applications and interviews, so don't skip this step!).

How to update a job search spreadsheet 

If you opt to manage your job search with a tracker in Google Sheets or Excel, regular updates are necessary to keep the information current and useful. 

The fields below are those you'll need to edit for every job prospect and application: 

  • Job Title and Description: Document the title and a direct link to the job posting. (Some companies remove job postings after they start the interview process, so it's also important to copy and paste the entire job description, too.)
  • Company Name: The name of the organization hiring.
  • What They Do and Who They Serve: A brief description of the company's main objective, industry, and ICP.
  • Salary Range: Minimum and maximum salary offered for the position.
  • Location: Where the physical company is based.
  • Office Requirements: Specify if the position is hybrid, remote, or in-office.
  • Hiring Team Contact Information: Record the full names and LinkedIn profiles of the contact person, hiring manager, recruiter, and anyone else you might be speaking to.
  • Status: Current status of your application (e.g., bookmarked, applied, interviewing, offered, rejected).
  • Date Applied: When you submitted your application.
  • Follow-up Dates: A list of scheduled dates for your next follow-ups.
  • Notes: Any additional information or observations about the job or application process.
  • Excitement Level: Your interest in the position, which can be rated on a scale (e.g., 1-10).

After each stage, interaction, or update, manually input the new data into these fields. (And if you need help remembering, calendar reminders are great for keeping track and holding yourself accountable.)

Download Teal's free job tracking spreadsheet template

To get started with Teal's job tracking spreadsheet template:

  1. Click on the provided link to access the template in Google Drive.
  2. Once opened, go to "File" at the top left of your screen.
  3. Select "Make a copy," rename the spreadsheet to something that works best for you, and click "Make a Copy" to add it to your Google Drive.

Example of a job application tracker for Google Sheets

To use Teal's job application tracker template in Google:

  1. Follow the directions above to save your template in Google Drive.
  2. To access the spreadsheet, open your Google Drive and click on the copy you created. 
  3. If you don't see your copy, search for it using the "Search in Drive" bar at the top of your screen.
  4. Once opened, your spreadsheet is ready for immediate use (or even customization based on your unique needs).
  5. Don't forget to save your changes regularly so important details and data aren't lost!
Teal's  job search spreadsheet in Google
Use Teal's job search spreadsheet to manually track your search in Google.

Example of a job application spreadsheet for Excel

To use Teal's job application tracker template in Excel:

  1. Open this Google Sheets link.
  2. Once opened, go to "File" at the top left of your screen. Click "'Download" and then select "Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)."
  3. Save the file to your desired location on your computer. Then, it's ready to be edited (and customized!) with Excel.

Teal Note: To use a Google Sheet in Excel, you'll need to take an extra step to format the spreadsheet correctly. Head to preferences and turn on "Developer Option." Then, to add checkboxes to specific cells or sections, select "Checkbox" and click the cell where you want to add one. (Don't forget to delete the text!)

Teal's job search spreadsheet in Excel
Use Teal's job search spreadsheet to manually track your search in Excel.

The problem with a job tracker spreadsheet

Streamlining your job search with a job tracker spreadsheet is a step in the right direction. But, there are a few drawbacks to using one for your search.

  • Manual Updates: Every change in your job search status needs to be updated manually, which can be time-consuming and lead to mistakes or oversights.
  • Lack of Automation: While a spreadsheet can remind you of the right dates to send follow-up emails, it doesn't automate those reminders.
  • Limited Integration: Spreadsheets often operate in isolation, lacking integration with job boards or resume tools, which means you're constantly toggling between platforms, folders, files, and tools.
  • Potential for Overwhelm: As your job search expands, organizing a spreadsheet can become unmanageable, making it difficult to find the highest priority tasks or opportunities quickly.
  • Efficiency Challenges: While spreadsheets help manage information, they don't speed up daily job search activities, as they often require more tools or systems to optimize productivity.

Job search spreadsheets also don't take into account the full, modern-day interview experience.

According to Teal's research on how to job search, the time from the first application to the first offer is approximately 44 days.

With such a long process, it's important to use a tracking system, or Job Search CRM that's just as in-depth and can help you through each stage of every opportunity. 

A graphic showing the median time from first application to first offer as 44 days
A job search spreadsheet may not account for all of the tasks required over 44 days.

What to use instead of a job search spreadsheet?

A great alternative to a job tracker spreadsheet is a job tracker tool.

The Teal Job Application Tracker is a free tool that helps you save important details from every opportunity in one easy click. It also provides tips, reminders, keyword analysis, and communication templates to improve your job search with better organization, direction, and clarity—increasing your chances of success. 

A graphic of Teal's Job Application Tracker
Use Teal's Free Job Application Tracker to help you organize and manage your job search.

How do I use Teal's Job Application Tracker?

Teal's Job Application Tracker is free and easy to use.

First, visit Teal's Job Application Tracker and sign up for an account. 

Then, to help make this process more seamless, install the free Teal Chrome Extension to save all your jobs prospects in one click. (Plus, it pairs with 40+ job boards!)

Teal's Job Application Tracker
Save the details from any job ad without the manual work using Teal.

Once you save a job, you'll see it populate in your tracker dashboard. Here you can analyze the job description, add notes, contacts, and interview questions, and follow Teal's built-in guidance that walks you through every stage of the job search.

Job Application Tracker instant save feature

One of the more tedious aspects of the job search process is saving jobs in an easy-to-use format.

With a spreadsheet, job seekers need to:

  • Switch between job sites and Google Drive
  • Toggle between folders and Google Sheets or Excel
  • Manually update details every step of the way

Not only can this become frustrating, but you can also lose important details along the way.

With the Teal Chrome Extension, once you find a job posting you're interested in, you can save it to your Teal account from wherever you're browsing on 40+ job boards. This gives you easy access to all of the important details and eliminates the need to move between tools and browsers. ( And if you hear about a job opportunity through word of mouth, you can manually add all the details to your Teal account.)

When you open your Teal Tracker you'll see a list of your potential opportunities with job titles, company names, important dates, and more in an easy-to-read format.

How Teal's Job Application Tracker can help you stand out with keyword analysis

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are digital filing systems. Employers them to help speed up their candidate review processes.

Once hiring professionals are ready to start combing through resumes, they search the ATS for specific keywords and skills to narrow the pool. If your content isn't optimized for these terms, you could risk being overlooked for your dream job. That's why it's crucial to use these words to tailor your resume.

To include relevant ATS keywords related to each job description in your cover letter and resume:

Open a saved job application in Teal. From here, you can view the highlighted words you should include.

While there's never a guarantee of getting a job interview scheduled, this step increases your chances of showing you're a strong match for the role.

Button: Get ATS Keywords

How Teal's Job Application Tracker can help monitor your application process

Too many people send off applications and don't follow up. They assume the company isn't interested and move on.

But if you're proactive and get in touch with a recruiter or hiring manager with a follow-up email, your determination might impress them.

Teal's Job Application Tracker has job search email templates that are a starting point for follow-up emails. Whether you're just expressing interest or saying 'Thank you' after an interview, clear communication is key.

Track your search with Teal

Teal is your personal assistant in the job search.

As one of the best job search apps, the innovative job application tracker is designed to help anyone to search for a new role.

With Teal, you can stay efficient and organized when applying for jobs, tracking interview schedules, and following up with potential employers.

Using the Teal Job Application Tracker, you can organize your job search so you know when it's time to chase an opportunity. Easily review the jobs you applied for and stay on top of what you need to do next—without toggling between multiple platforms, documents, and folders and manually updating every little detail.

By setting follow-up reminders, you also don't need to remember to check a spreadsheet to know when you should call or email—you'll get an automated reminder on the day of, right in your inbox.

If you're currently job searching or could be in the future, sign up for a free Teal account today and start tracking your journey toward success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I keep track of a job application spreadsheet?

To keep track of job applications, create and regularly update a spreadsheet with new applications, follow-ups, and responses from employers. Ensure each entry includes the job title, company name, application date, status, and next steps.

But, if you want to skip the steps and track your job search for free, try Teal's Job Application Tracker today! 

How do I make a job tracker?

To make a job tracker, you can create a custom spreadsheet in Excel or Google Sheets detailing your job applications and their statuses, or use a free tool like Teal which offers job tracking features specifically designed for job seekers.

How do I create a spreadsheet for a job search?

To create a spreadsheet for a job search, start by opening a new spreadsheet in a program like Excel or Google Sheets. Add columns for job title, company, application date, follow-up date, status (e.g., awaiting response, interview scheduled), and notes for additional details like contact information or interview feedback.

How do I organize my job search spreadsheet?

To organize your job search spreadsheet, list your target companies, roles, application dates, and follow-up actions in separate columns for clear tracking. Keep it updated with the status of each application.

Want to skip the manual steps and organize your job search for free? Try Teal's Job Application Tracker today! 

How do I organize my job searches?

There are plenty of tools like Teal's free Job Application Tracker, Google, or Excel you can use you organize your search.

You can opt to create a Google spreadsheet or Excel doc with categories based on industry, job title, location, or priority, (and several others). Then, use multiple filters or tabs to navigate between these categories.

If you don't want to build something and would rather not manually update every little detail for each role you're interested in, try a more dynamic and intuitive tool like Teal's Job Application Tracker today! 

Kayte Grady

Kayte, Senior Copywriter at Teal and Champion of ADHD professionals, is a seasoned writer passionate about storytelling and career growth. With a data-driven approach to content marketing and a word-nerd knack for resume builder analysis, Kayte’s on a mission to empower job seekers to land a job they love. Constantly pivoting and reinventing herself, this social-worker-turned-marketer found growth and camaraderie in tech—a genuine surprise given her never-ending devotion to the paper calendar.

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