LinkedIn Profile Review Tool

Better LinkedIn, More Job Offers. 

Optimize your LinkedIn Profile in seconds with Teal’s LinkedIn Profile Review tool. Receive tailored tips to improve your professional brand, grow your network, and stand out to recruiters.

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Analyze Your LinkedIn Profile

  • Install our chrome extension from the Google Chrome Web Store, and use the extension to unlock your free LinkedIn profile review.
Download the Extension

LinkedIn Profile Tips, Personalized to You

  • Navigate to your LinkedIn Profile, and open Teal’s Chrome extension to receive a free analysis of your LinkedIn profile. Receive personalized tips, and improvement recommendations to help your profile stand out.
Get Your Free Analysis

LinkedIn Profile Writer

  • Optimize your professional brand by following the personalized profile suggestions. Leverage AI to better highlight your achievements, write your about section, or update your professional headline -  with the ability to run the analysis and tweak as many times as you’d like.
Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

Enjoy a Professional LinkedIn Profile That Stands Out

  • Build your network, appear higher in search results, and stand out to recruiters with a professional LinkedIn Profile that brings the opportunities to YOU.
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Resume Analysis

Need to level up your career even faster?

Join over 100,000 professionals to enhance your resume, track your job search, and land a job you love.
Jennifer Dalby
Chief Operating Officer
No more manually splicing resume content together from a giant source document. Load your content and check the boxes to select components to include in each customized resume. You can keep every version you write of each bullet point and description and simply select which to include when you compile a new resume. Improvement suggestions are right there in your face, not trapped in some influencer's top 10 tips post. You will be motivated to find metrics and accomplishments. It is so easy to manipulate the content to fix the page length or formatting. Selectable content is in the left pane with the PDF view updating in real-time on the right.
January 24, 2023
Michelle McRory
E-learning Developer & Instructional Designer
This is my go-to for keeping up with my job search. Not only does it keep track in an easy to read spreadsheet, but there are so many features - like breaking down a job description into key words, resume writing help, job search advice, reminders and suggestions for following up, and much more
January 19, 2023
Devesh Sharma
SVP Strategy
Fantastic tool! Helps search for jobs, save them, customize your resume to the job posting and keep track of all your applications. It identifies the keywords in the posting and whether they are in your resume, making it a cinch to customize your resume. There are also a lot of useful templates for cover letters, follow-ups, and a support website with tool nuggets galore. Highly recommended for any job seeker!
October 25, 2022
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  • Unlimited Resumes Templates
  • Unlimited Job Tracking
  • Top 5 Keywords
  • 1 Email Template Per job stage
  • Basic analysis in the resume builder
  • Basic Resume Keyword Matching
  • Everything in Teal Free
  • Unlimited Advanced Resume Analysis
  • Unlimited Resume Keyword Matching
  • Unlimited keywords (hard and soft skills) listed in the job tracker
  • Unlimited Email Templates
  • No ads across the entire platform
  • 24/7 Email Support
$9 / Week
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How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile with Teal

Profile Picture

Add or update your LinkedIn profile picture with a professional headshot or a self-timed photo.

Banner Image

Add a background image or background photo to your LinkedIn profile and highlight your personal branding.

LinkedIn Profile URL

Edit or add a custom URL that looks nicer on a resume than the default LinkedIn URL.


Leverage the LinkedIn Summary Generator to update your LinkedIn About section. Include relevant keywords to your  job description, share your expertise, and show off your professional brand.


Add your current position and previous job titles to receive more personalized insights while optimizing your LinkedIn profile.


Add a headline to your profile that includes your career interests to show up in more search results.


Use the skills section to curate a skills list of hard, soft, and technical skills to showcase your strengths with recruiters and hiring managers.


Use Teal’s Chrome extension to continuously optimize your LinkedIn profile each time you make changes.


Not sure what to write? Leverage our step-by-step guide and actionable tips to help you build an impressive profile that demonstrates your personal brand.

FAQs about Teal’s free tool to optimize your LinkedIn profile

What is a LinkedIn Profile?

Think of a LinkedIn profile page as your online resume with a touch of personal branding that is publicly available to your social network. Just create a free LinkedIn account and add your professional experience. Once your profile is set up, you can search other LinkedIn profiles to start leveraging the full power of LinkedIn’s professional networking site.

Why should you have a LinkedIn Profile?

Your LinkedIn profile is your professional online presence and an essential tool for networking and job searching. However, with millions of users on the platform, it can be challenging to stand out and make a lasting impression.

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is crucial to increase your visibility and appeal to potential connections or employers when searching for a new job. By highlighting your skills, experience, and accomplishments, you can showcase your value and differentiate yourself from other candidates. With the right strategy, you can leverage the power of your LinkedIn account to advance your career and connect with industry leaders.

What is an optimized LinkedIn Profile?

An optimized LinkedIn profile is a well-crafted and complete profile that highlights your skills, experience, and accomplishments in a way that makes you stand out to potential employers or professional connections. It showcases your value, professional brand, and differentiates you from other candidates.

It includes a professional headshot, a compelling summary, detailed work experience and skills, education, and any other relevant information that showcases your qualifications and achievements. It's also active and updated regularly with recent work experience, education, skills, and achievements, and has a good number of connections.

LinkedIn profile optimization can increase your maximum exposure and visibility and make it more likely that hiring managers and recruiters find you when searching for potential candidates.

Why is it important to have an optimized LinkedIn Profile?

The first mistake most people make when it comes to their LinkedIn profile is treating it like other casual social networking sites. This is a big mistake in more ways than one. For starters, you definitely don’t want to come across as casual and vague when a prospective recruiter or employer takes a look at your LinkedIn profile. Also, many profiles don’t have the job seeker’s contact information, which is a big no-no.

The layout of a LinkedIn profile is structured similarly to a resume, which basically means your profile acts as your online resume. When you treat it like one and fill it out properly, you’re more likely to pop up in the first few pages of LinkedIn search results. A good profile can also help you impress people and help expand your professional networking efforts.

How do I use the LinkedIn Profile Optimization Tool?

To use Teal’s LinkedIn Profile Review tool just follow the below steps:

  • Download Teal’s free Chrome extension
  • Go to your LinkedIn profile and open the extension
  • Review the analysis to identify which LinkedIn sections need more profile optimization
  • Follow the tips and suggestions such as add a profile picture, customize your LinkedIn url, update your LinkedIn summary, etc.
  • Once you have a fully optimized LinkedIn profile that demonstrates your personal brand you will start showing up in more of LinkedIn’s search results

How do I optimize my LinkedIn Profile picture?

LinkedIn profile optimization is a crucial step of the job search process to ensure that your profile is visible to recruiters and sending the right message.  An easy place to start is with your profile picture.

Investing in a good profile photo makes sense since your photo is your first chance to show your professional brand visually. You want to wear attire that shows you as the professional you want to portray to your LinkedIn network and relevant industries/companies.

You don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on a professional photo with the available features on many smartphones and cameras today, such as the ability to take portrait shots where the background is blurred out. 

The ideal size of a LinkedIn profile picture is 400 x 400 pixels. For the photo to look professional, choose a plain background and make sure your face fits 60% of the frame. You should crop the photo from the top of your shoulders to just above your head so that it looks like a headshot.

Use soft natural lighting and avoid any photos that look like a selfie. Have someone take the photo for you or set a timer. Avoid  photos that show you from far away, have busy backgrounds, or where you are not making direct eye contact with the camera. Your facial expression should be smiling to show that you are someone who is friendly, trustworthy, and likable.

How do I optimize my LinkedIn Profile Banner or background photo?

You want to use a background image (or banner image) that will compliment your headshot photo and not compete with it. You want to think about how the design theme, color, and look of the banner or background image matches the style of your profile picture. The banner or background photo should be sized for 1584 px x 396 px in file formats JPG, PNG, or GIF.

Why are LinkedIn Headlines So Important? 

In addition to being a professional network, LinkedIn is a search engine. And when someone searches for you there, your headline is one of the first pieces of information people see about you — along with your name and photo.

As part of your job search to-do list, you've given your LinkedIn profile a complete overhaul. You've written your bio in the About section, crafting it in a way that tells your story and what you bring to the table. You've built out your Experience section with multiple keywords that recruiters and hiring managers are looking for. You've sourced recommendations from your peers and previous managers.

You've even utilized the "Featured" section to highlight the top posts and content you've created. You feel good. And, you should! LinkedIn is an important tool for job searching, and it's critical to level up the information above.

Think of your LinkedIn headline as a one-line resume to entice recruiters and hiring managers to learn more about you. The more compelling that headline is, the more likely they'll take the next step in their LinkedIn searches to click into your profile and learn more.

Your LinkedIn headline also shows up in the results of Google and other search engines so we recommend adding keywords if possible.

How do I optimize my LinkedIn Profile Headline?

Your LinkedIn profile headline is what sets you apart from other job seekers in the social media cluster. It is tied to its search algorithm and is one of the most visible sections of your profile. Not only should your LinkedIn headline show your professional expertise, but it should also contain specific keywords that will help you appear higher in LinkedIn searches by recruiters or hiring managers.

The keywords you choose for your headline should be relevant and important to your job function, expertise, and/or industry; and your headline can maximize the 220 character limit if needed. Your headline should also illustrate the value you bring to the table. 

Here are a few tips for writing a successful profile headline:

  • Describe what you do, your work experience, and your goals
  • Keep it simple and keyword-rich
  • Keep the tone professional
  • Avoid using overused buzzwords in your profile description
  • Make your professional story informative, engaging, and simple

You have to sketch an ideal picture of who you are and what you can offer your clients in just 220 characters, so aim to be straight to the point. If you have someone at your company who is on the ball with social selling, take a quick look at their profile headlines for inspiration.

There is not one perfect way to write a headline, but keep these tips in mind as you think about the best way to showcase your professional brand to the audience you want to target.‍

How do I optimize my LinkedIn Profile Summary?

One of the most underused sections of a LinkedIn profile is the "About" section. The average LinkedIn user will just throw in a line or two and call it a day. This is a complete waste of one of the most important sections of a LinkedIn profile.

The "About" section of your profile has to be a hit. Consider this section of your profile as the product you want to sell to your potential employers.  This is the first impression that will set the tone for the rest of your profile. If your LinkedIn summary is weak, a prospective recruiter/employer won’t bother to scroll down to check the rest of the profile.

A professional-looking "About" section should be detailed but compact. Make sure to not turn it into an essay that no one will want to read, as most people skim summaries anyways. Keep the tone and language engaging and use relevant industry jargon as necessary. Make sure to provide a brief rundown of your main technical skills if applicable.

The main point of writing a solid profile summary is personal branding for yourself and show that you're fully engaged in building your career path. To learn how to write a good one, check articles, results of top LinkedIn profiles in your industry, social media posts, and more.   


In the detailed 2,000-character description, you can break your content into the following:

  • Hook your audience right away and make your first sentence count by showing passion and revealing your character
  • A professional introduction explaining your present role and framing your past job titles
  • Highlight your successes and the services you can offer to potential clients
  • Call to action
  • Your contact information

How do I optimize my LinkedIn Profile Experience?

The "Experience" section of the LinkedIn profile isn’t something that is ignored by most LinkedIn users; on the contrary, in most cases, it’s the only section most people bother to fill out. The only problem? Most LinkedIn users just fill in the barebones details such as tenure, name of the company, and location, which doesn’t say much.

The "Experience" section carries great importance once you have successfully grasped the attention of your potential recruiter. In this category, you have to boast about your success and work experiences. Make this section of your profile comprehensive.

To make your profile stand out, what you need to do is flesh out each entry you make in the "Experience" section. Fill in details about your responsibilities, the skills you learned, major projects, etc. Summarize all your achievements and include all the experiences that have made you grow both in your professional and personal capacity. These details can tell a lot about a person and definitely something that a good human resources officer or employer will take note of when going through your profile.

If you are currently employed, keep your description detailed and updated. Recruiters are most interested in your current role. If you are a fresh graduate, state all your project works, volunteer work, and internships.

Make sure to include metrics in your descriptions for each role. Metrics help build proof that you have those abilities. Try this simple formula for success when writing about your achievements for each role: success verb + noun + metric + outcome.

How do I optimize my LinkedIn Education section?

LinkedIn profile optimization is a crucial step of the job search process to ensure that your profile is visible to recruiters and sending the right message.  An easy place to start is with your education.

Adding your education to your LinkedIn profile can be beneficial for several reasons. First, it demonstrates your qualifications and gives potential employers or connections an idea of your educational background and level of expertise.

It can also help to establish credibility and make you more likely to be considered for job opportunities that require specific educational credentials. You should always list your highest level of qualification.

Additionally, it can also help to connect you with alumni from your educational institutions and expand your professional network. The larger your network, the more opportunities you will be exposed to and have access to. Networking is one of the best ways to get your foot in the door for opportunities that excite you.

Listing your education on your LinkedIn profile page also allows you to showcase any degrees, certifications, and awards you've earned, which can help you to stand out from other job candidates in recruiters' searches. Make sure to throw in keywords to this section to make yourself easier to find.

During your profile optimization, keep this section professional by including schools/colleges/universities that relate to your job title and industry and show your specific qualifications.

How do I optimize my LinkedIn Profile Skills?

This section is where you list all the skills you have mastered. LinkedIn allows you to include up to 50 skills on your profile. State all the skills, even the ones outside your professional practices. This is an easy way to leverage LinkedIn optimization to build your personal brand and engage your network.

When you add skills to your profile, your first degree connections can “endorse” you for skills that will actually help the strength of your profile. It will allow you to be discovered for opportunities that are related to those skills. 

If you are in a job search, review the top keywords (soft and hard skills) that are listed in the job descriptions that you are targeting and make sure to add those to your skills section. Ask people in your network to endorse you for those top skills, as well, to help you come up higher in searches by employers. You can also “pin” your top 3 skills to the very top of your Skills & Endorsements section in a subsection titled Top Skills. 

Add all the relevant certifications you have earned. This makes you more visible as hiring managers may search for candidates with certain certifications and skills. It also helps increase LinkedIn ranking. If you are associated with any non-profit programs, be sure to include these under volunteer experience.

How does having an optimized LinkedIn Profile improve your LinkedIn score?

Having an optimized LinkedIn profile can significantly improve your LinkedIn score, also known as the LinkedIn Social Selling Index (SSI). The SSI measures how effective you are at establishing your professional brand, finding the right people, engaging with insights, and building relationships. By optimizing your LinkedIn profile, you enhance your professional brand, increase your visibility, and improve your chances of being noticed by recruiters, all of which contribute to a higher LinkedIn SSI score.

What other LinkedIn tools does Teal have?

In addition to Teal’s LinkedIn Profile Review tool, there are other tools you can use to leverage your LinkedIn network within your job search.  With the Chrome extension, you can bookmark contacts directly from LinkedIn by utilizing the LinkedIn search results and identifying LinkedIn members by job title or with relevant skills that you want to save to Teal.  Go to their personal profile page on LinkedIn, open the extension, and press “save”.

With the Chrome extension, you can also bookmark companies you are interested in directly from LinkedIn.  Anytime you are on a LinkedIn company page, just open the extension and press “save.”  This is a great way to find companies you are interested in that may have open jobs or to reach out to contacts who work at companies you are interested in for potential referrals.

What other tools does Teal offer?

Aside from Teal’s LinkedIn Profile Review tool, the platform also offers a free Resume Builder and cover letter generator and a Job Application Tracker tool. These tools work incredibly well together and will complement each other during your job search. For example, if you save a job within the tracker, you can then review the requirements in your AI resume builder and customize your current resume to meet that role's needs.