Career Hub

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Whether you're a recent graduate, changing careers, or simply looking to improve your job prospects, a well-crafted resume is essential for landing your dream job. In this category, we offer expert guidance, strategies, and examples to help you create a standout resume that showcases your skills and experience.

Cover Letter

Cover letters are far from retired. Done right, they can complement your resume and bolster your application. Learn best cover letter practices to stand out from the rest of the stack.


Navigating an interview can be a nerve-wracking experience, but with the right preparation and mindset, you can make a great impression on your potential employer.


Negotiating can be a powerful tool for advancing your career, achieving your goals, and getting what you deserve. Whether you're negotiating a job offer, a salary increase, or a business deal, effective negotiation skills are essential for success.

Career Paths

Choosing a career path can be an exciting yet challenging decision. With so many options available, it can be difficult to know where to start or how to make the best decision for your future. In this section, we offer expert advice, tools, and resources to help you navigate the process of choosing a career path.

Pivoting Careers

Sometimes, we find ourselves on a career path that no longer aligns with our goals, passions, or values. Pivoting careers can be a challenging decision, but it can also be a rewarding opportunity to pursue your true calling. In this category, we offer expert advice, strategies, and inspiration to help you navigate the process of pivoting careers.

Tool Comparisons

You're in the driver's seat of your career. Not the ATS. Not job search software. But the right tools can lighten your load and give you a needed boost. Compare the pros and cons of the best resume and job search tools to give yourself a competitive advantage.

Teal Stories

Discover Teal member case studies filled with actionable ideas and strategies that illustrate how real people have used Teal to land a job they love.