Autofill Job Applications

Save time
applying for jobs.

Leverage the power of AI to instantly autofill job applications, generate personalized responses to application questions, and save time in your job search.

Apply to Jobs Faster!
Teal Chrome Extension Autofilling a Job Application with GPT powered AI
Save job postings from most ATS platforms

Autofill job applications & apply faster, with one click

Using the Autofill Job Application feature in Teal’s Chrome Extension, you can apply & submit your applications in a matter of seconds.

Get the Extension

Automate job applications effortlessly

Having to manually input your work experience is tedious - use the Autofill Application feature to seamlessly import and autofill your previous work experience using your resume or LinkedIn.
Streamline Your Job Search
Use a resume or linkedin to load your application data

Access AI-generated personalized answers
in seconds

Using the power of AI, Teal’s Autofill feature leverages your career history and the job description to create personalized answers to application questions, in a matter of seconds.

Allowing you the option to review, tweak, and update your answers, before you hit “send”.
Autofill Your Application

How to Use Teal’s Autofill Application Feature

Install our free Chrome extension from the
Google Chrome Web Store.

Upload your resume or LinkedIn profile into our AI Resume Builder.

Automatically detect job applications on
nearly 50 job boards.

Save and apply for roles faster than ever
before with the help of AI.
Use AI to Apply for Jobs

Advance your career like never before

Join thousands of professionals to enhance your resume, track your job search, and land a job you love.
Bryan Griffitts Headshot
Bryan Griffitts
Vice President of People | Talent & Recruiting Strategist
Teal is one of the most robust, well-thought-out, and useful tools I've come across for those seeking employment. The job tracker alone with it's stages, suggestions, notes, contacts, and more is incredible allowing for the user to consolidate all of this extraneous information into one place. Add to that the many guides, features, work styles, resume reviews and it is just truly out of this world. Honestly if Teal were to incorporate regular workplace updates from Subject Matter Experts or Content Contribution from those who work in recruiting and it would truly be premium work.
December 9, 2022
Alexander Dubelko Headshot
Alexander Dubelko
Product Manager at TradeStation
I tried all the available job search chrome extensions out there. Teal is by the far the easiest for creating your own personal job tracking 'CRM'. You can quickly add new job listings and put them into your job process pipeline. Tracking is amazing and the recommendations at each step of the pipeline has been very helpful. I love the automatic breakdown of each job listing by keywords. This is the future of job search apps.
August 30, 2022
Sara Ritz Headshot
Sara Ritz
Government Affairs Consultant, Public Policy & Online Community Enthusiast
Teal has been extremely helpful in my job search. I started to feel really overwhelmed but Teal helps put my search in one centralized location, tracks my progress and gives helpful reminders, tips and tricks along the way. I am about to receive a job offer this week and Teal contributed to me getting this job. I have recommended to everyone I know who is looking for a job!
December 7, 2022
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Need to level up your career even faster?

Upgrade to unlock Teal's premium features and turbocharge your job search.
  • Unlimited Resumes
  • Unlimited Resumes Templates
  • Unlimited Job Tracking
  • Top 5 Keywords
  • 1 Email Template Per job stage
  • Basic analysis in the resume builder
  • Basic Resume Keyword Matching
  • Everything in Teal Free
  • Unlimited Advanced Resume Analysis
  • Unlimited Resume Keyword Matching
  • Unlimited keywords (hard and soft skills) listed in the job tracker
  • Unlimited Email Templates
  • No ads across the entire platform
  • 24/7 Email Support
$9 / Week
Billed every week, month or 3 months
Get Started for Free
No credit card required, ever.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do the AI-generated job application answers get populated?

Applying for jobs no longer has to be a hassle! Teal can now automatically fill your job applications with the help of your resume and the job descriptions you’ve saved inside the Job Application Tracker tool. Teal uses OpenAI’s GPT to skim all this information, provide personalized answers, and help you automatically apply for the roles that excite you most. With Teal, you never have to manually enter repetitive details like your address, phone number, email, years of experience, or college degree ever again.

Does the autofill application tool work for both job and internship applications?

Our autofill feature works great for job and internship applications. This AI-powered technology lets you write out applications with just a few clicks by populating your work experience, educational background, skills, and more. The data is customized for each application to ensure an optimized, personalized autofill. Now users can apply for jobs faster and more strategically.

How does Teal's Autofill Job Application tool help me in my job search?

Using Teal's Autofill Job Application tool can significantly speed up your job search by automatically filling out repetitive information on application forms, allowing you to apply to more jobs in less time. Additionally, it helps reduce errors and ensures consistency across multiple applications, improving your chances of making a positive impression on potential employers.