How To Write a Sample Email to Send a Resume to a Recruiter

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July 8, 2024
Edited by
Camille Trent
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min read

3 key takeaways

  • The best way to write an effective job application email to a recruiter is to get straight to the point.
  • Lead with the outcomes you’ve achieved and how you align with the role in an application email.
  • Teal’s Job Application Tracker includes email templates for every stage of your job search.

HR professionals and recruiters don’t actually like sorting through resumes. They can see hundreds in a single day, even if they’re using an ATS.

To get through them, they’ve created procedures to prioritize the best-fit candidates. 

That’s why, if you’re going to email your resume directly to a recruiter, that email has to catch their eye. It has to be appealing enough to get them to willingly review yet another resume.

In this article, you’ll learn how to craft the perfect sample resume to send to a recruiter. You can also speed up the process and keep track of the jobs you’ve already applied for using Teal’s Job Tracker and Email Templates.

Struggling to keep up with communication? Try Teal’s email templates in the free Job Application Tracker.

How to write an email with your resume to a recruiter

In most cases, if you’re sending your resume to a recruiter it’s because:

  1. They’ve reached out to you, either on LinkedIn or through email, to express interest in your background and your fit for the role. 
  2. They list their email in the job posting, asking for resumes in their inbox rather than in an application.
  3. You’ve discussed work with someone on social media, in-person, or another medium and they’ve asked you to send your resume.

In the first case, recruiters are sending out dozens of canned messages to all candidates within their database, or within a LinkedIn search. They often have a list of criteria they’re using to run this search, and you just happen to fit within that data set.

They know the more emails they send out, the more likely they are to get a response and, hopefully, find the right candidate within those responses. 

In both the first and second scenarios, recruiters are seeing a lot of emails from a lot of people. That is why you shouldn’t send your resume to a recruiter until you are sure it’s a decent match for your skills, work history, and interests for your next role.

Learn as much about the role as you can first. When you feel secure enough to send your resume, you can send it with confidence.

Once you’re ready, here’s how to email a resume to a recruiter:

Step 1: The subject line for a resume email

Your subject line is your first impression, and if it’s too generic, it’ll be completely ignored. An anonymous recruiter on a hiring forum made this clear, stating: 

“As someone who has seen a ton of these, I 100 percent do not suggest something generic. It's quite obvious from some people that they sent the same email to several people. These emails get ignored 90 percent of the time unless the hiring manager is desperate. As for the title, I suggest [you] to be very clear in what you are looking for, even if it's a little long. Example: "Expression of interest for XX-0X Position - [group name, ex: Policy Division] - Seeking Deployment Opportunity."

That’s why your email subject line needs to be a clear indicator of these few things:

  1. Who you are (name)
  2. The role you’re applying for
  3. Your qualifications, if applicable (MBA, CP, Ph.D…)

Email subject lines are rather short, even on a desktop (60 characters at most), but they’re even shorter in mobile inboxes. 

You need to be clear not only about why you’re reaching out, but also put the most important words at the beginning to ensure they’re seen. 

Sample subject line in an email to send to a recruiter

If you’re referred to by someone, that’s what you should include first. The subject line, in that case, might look something like this:

sample email to send resume to recruiter
Sample subject line for an email to a recruiter

If you weren’t referred, here are a few other examples of email subject lines to a recruiter:

  • Notice of Interest - [Job title you seek]
  • Applying for [Position] – [Name] Resume
  • “[Job title][Your name],[Your qualification or job title]

Step 2: Greeting

Keep your greeting simple and professional with a “Hello” or “Dear” followed by their first name. 

Just be sure to spell it correctly. They won’t take kindly to being called something other than their name, especially when you can generally just look at their email to ensure correct spelling. Check their LinkedIn profile if you are unsure.

Step 3: Introduction

The introduction of your email is the first line after your greeting, and it’s really more of a courtesy than anything else.

You don’t need to draw it out. One or two sentences explaining why you’re reaching out and how you found out about the opportunity is adequate, especially if you were referred to the role. If you were, be sure to name drop.

If you really want to stand out from the standard email though, get straight to your message and express your enthusiasm for the position with something that stands out. 

Sample intro in an email to send to a recruiter

Sample email to send resume to recruiter with intro
Sample introduction in resume email to a recruiter

Step 4: Qualifications and value proposition in your email body

Don’t just list your qualifications in your email as if it’s a resume. Instead, share the biggest highlights of your career in a conversational tone.

The best way to do this is to think through the outcomes you’ve produced in your position. If the role you’re applying for, or the roles you’ve had in the past, are not outcome based, consider how your work contributed to business goals. 

Maybe you’ve led a team that completed a detrimental project for the company. Maybe you’ve saved the company money somehow or increased the efficiency of an internal process. 

If former or current employers have benefited from your work in any way, share that. Then, of course, also share any certifications or earned titles, such as Ph.D.

Sample qualifications in an email to send to a recruiter

sample email to send to a recruiter or hiring manager
Showing your value proposition in an email to a recruiter

This works because it’s straightforward. Instead of oversharing, it dives right into the  results of past work. It wastes no time delivering the essential details that’ll help the recruiter make a decision.

Pro tip: Teal’s Job Tracker includes job application email templates tailored to your resume and cover letter.

Step 5: Call to Action

Point the reader in the direction you want them to take with confidence. Don’t leave it open-ended. 

For example, “please let me know if I’m a good fit” is too passive.

Instead, you want to be more assertive to earn the hiring manager's attention, urging them into action without coming across as entitled or pushy.

Sample call to action in an email to send to a recruiter

“Please see my resume attached to the link in my portfolio [URL] to check my samples and testimonials. My resume is also attached to this email.

If I look like a fit, I'd love the opportunity to speak with you further on how I can apply my skills to [outcome] for [Company]. I'm available all Tuesday and Wednesday next week. Would you be up for a chat?”

Step 6: Best resume email closings and sign-offs

After asking for a meeting or closing with another call to action, thank the recruiter for their time and consideration. 

Sign off your email with a professional closing, such as "Best regards," "Sincerely," or "Thank you."

Include your full name, contact information, and any relevant links (such as your LinkedIn profile) in your email signature.

There are a few websites that make it easy to create a professional email signature

Sample signature in an email to send to a recruiter

sample email signature
Sample email signature

You simply have to go into your email settings, to your signature, and paste your professional email signature there. From then on, every email you create will automatically include your signature. 

Step 7: Attaching your resume to a recruiter email

A lot of job applicants question whether or not they should email their resume as a word doc or a PDF file

A PDF has long been thought of as the clean and professional standard. They also have the advantage of maintaining your formatting, so recruiters will always see your resume as intended. 

But recently Word docs have been making a come back due to fears that ATS software isn’t able to read PDFs. 

However, as long as the text in the PDF isn't rasterized or cluttered with images and icons, an ATS should be able to read it. 

Annette Marie, a job seeker, shared this word of caution about using PDF resumes with additional graphics for job applications:

“The entire top portion of my PDF resume did not appear in the finished ATS scan, but everything appeared when I scanned my Word document (.docx). However, it’s worth mentioning that the top portion of my resume is within a text box, which may explain the issue.

Just be cautious with shapes and objects, as they don’t seem to be compatible when using a PDF format. Nonetheless, the PDF still presents well for in-person interviews.”

Recruiters may sometimes favor Word doc resumes due to their ability to make changes, either to the formatting, or to remove certain items that might lead to unconscious bias (such as a picture).

Some recruiters might also need to remove contact information in order to protect your details and keep their clients from contacting you directly. 

But you’d have to be willing to have a recruiter alter your resume, potentially without consulting you. 

Unless they’re a career coach, a trusted friend, or a resume writing service, no one should be editing your resume. 

Step 8: Follow up on your recruiter email

There are several ways to follow up on a job application email, because, no, you don’t necessarily have to follow up via email.

  1. Email: It’s rare for recruiters to get through all of their emails in one sitting, so it might take a few days to get to yours. But, if you haven’t heard back in a couple of days, it’s safe to send an email reasserting your interest in the position.

Aside from re-expressing your interest, you might also want to ask when you’ll be able to connect with a hiring manager. You can also reattach your resume and cover letter. 

Sample follow up job application email template

Subject line: [Your Name] - Job Application Follow-up for [Position] at [Company]

Hello [Hiring Manager's Name],

A few weeks ago, I applied for the [Position Title with Hyperlink to the Application] role at [Company Name]. I'm very excited about this opportunity, so I wanted to reach out, introduce myself, and see if you have any details from the hiring manger about the decision timeline.

I'm a [Your Current Job Title] at [Your Current Company Name] who's [insert relevant qualifications and/or accomplishments] over the last [X] years.

In particular, I'm interested in [Company Name] because [mention specific reasons why you're interested and why you’re a good fit].

Please let me know if you have any questions about my application or require further information from me. I look forward to hearing from you soon and learning more about the timeline. I can't wait to share some of my ideas on [insert challenge or goal related to your desired new job title].

[Best/Kind regards/Thank you],

[Your Name]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your LinkedIn]

  1. Phone: Resort to a phone call only after you haven’t heard back on your follow-up email. 
  2. LinkedIn: Try to avoid reaching out to a recruiter on LinkedIn unless that was their initial method of contacting you. The reason? It’s far more informal and some recruiters only use their LinkedIn for personal use, or may not check it regularly. 

Here’s a simple follow-up LinkedIn message template

Dear [Contact Name],

I recently submitted my application for the [Position] at [Company], and I wanted to follow up to express my continued interest in the opportunity and inquire about the status of my application.

I am excited about the possibility of joining the team at [Company], and I believe my skills and experience make me a strong fit for the [Position]. I am confident that my [mention of relevant skills, qualifications or experiences] would contribute to the success of the team and the company.

If there are any additional materials or information I can provide to support my application, please let me know. I am eager to further discuss my qualifications and how I can contribute to the success of [Company].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Phone Number]

Note: Within Teal’s Job Application Tracker, you’ll find job application email templates to get your started in crafting a personalized email to a recruiter.

Common mistakes to avoid when sending your resume via email

Most emails sent to a recruiter are canned—a template or exact copy of an email sent again and again with little to no alterations. And recruiters are sick of it. 

Jules Lalo, a recruiter, echoes this when with this statement:

“One of my pet peeves is a CV with no context [in the email] intro [so] I have to decipher what group level they are substantively. This has a huge impact on filtering later on.”

In other words, recruiters aren’t just asking for more details and personalization from you because they don’t like it. They simply need more details to help place you in a role or ensure you’re a right fit (and they want to be able to find your email later).

But a lack of context isn’t the only mistake many job seekers make when sending a job application email. Here are a few common mistakes recruiters see: 

Using an unprofessional email address

Elby James, a former HR associate and resume consultant, finds it shocking how often people send emails from unprofessional email addresses. 

“The email address should be a professional email address. I don't mind Gmail or AOL but really, how much does it cost to buy a domain name today? Especially when it is for something as important as your career.

I remember seeing email addresses such as [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]. ”

Spelling errors on your resume or in the email 

Spelling mistakes won’t be a make or break for all recruiters, but it can be a put off for many, especially in a short email. With tools like Grammarly available today, most recruiters don’t take kindly to spelling mistakes. 

Elby shares his thoughts on this as well:

“I abhor typos. Maybe this is the graduate English major inside of me acting out but really, there is no need for typos; there are two reasons I say this: The first reason is spell check… it’s free! The second reason is [that] a resume is an important document, you should check it as many times as possible.”

Try to avoid buzzwords

You might be keyword stuffing your resume to get into the candidate pool, but you shouldn’t apply that same logic to a recruiter email. And really, you should try to avoid overstuffing your resume as well. 


Recruiters will often use keyword stuffing as a mental filter. They’ll automatically toss any resume or email that overly-uses buzzwords.

They need to be able to tell what you do in the simplest of terms and with a quick glance. But if you’re using phrases like—“transformed big-thinking into actionable steps, aligning with business goals and channel objectives”—no one will understand you. 

Pro tip: Teal’s free Resume Job Description Match tool helps you optimize your resume for a specific job based on the top keywords in the description. Use this to highlight the important words to align yourself as a great fit.

Teal's free Chrome extension pulls the top keywords from every job posting
Teal's free Chrome extension pulls the top keywords from every job posting to use in a resume

Lack of personalization

It doesn’t take a lot to personalize an email to a recruiter. 

You’ll keep most of the details the same, like your qualifications and your call to action. But you’ll alter the company’s name, the recruiter’s name, and details about how you found out about the role. 

You’ll also want to alter anything pertinent to the role itself, such as how your experience applies. This isn’t the same for every role, and it’s very easy to tell if you aren’t paying attention to those differences. 

Recruiters want to know exactly how you fit that role, without digging. 

Start with a sample email to send a resume to a recruiter

As you may have caught on, recruiters see hundreds of resumes. They’re unsurprised by most stylings or attempts to be unique. But they’re far more numb to the generic resume emails they see all day.

So while it’s important to add personalization, get straight to your point, and include only the most compelling details in your email, you still need an email template to get started.

While recruiters may see a lot of emails, there’s truth to the job search being a numbers game. The longer you spend on one email, the longer you might be searching for a role. You might even miss out on some opportunities because you’re spending too much time on emailing a recruiter that will spend only seconds determining whether or not to put you in a candidate pool.

Using a sample resume email for recruiters as a template, you can speed up the process while adding some personalization. 

To find simple, but effective job application email templates, try Teal’s AI Resume Builder. email templates to send your  to recruiters and hiring managers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should you write in an email when sending a resume to a recruiter?

When sending a resume to a recruiter, keep your email concise and professional. Start with a clear subject line, greet the recruiter by name, briefly introduce yourself, highlight key achievements, include a call to action, and close with a professional sign-off.

What should you write when sending a CV via email?

When sending a CV via email, include a personalized greeting, a short introduction stating why you’re reaching out, and a summary of your qualifications and accomplishments. Add a clear call to action, thank the recruiter for their time, and attach your CV in a preferred format.

What should you write in an email subject line when sending a resume?

Your email subject line should clearly indicate who you are, the role you’re applying for, and any relevant qualifications. Examples include "Notice of Interest - [Job Title]", "Applying for [Position] – [Your Name]", or "[Job Title] - [Your Name], [Qualification]".

Sarah Colley

Sarah Colley is a freelance content writer, content strategist, and content consultant for B2B SaaS, e-commerce, Martech, and Salestech companies. She specializes in creating interview and SME-based content and helping fill the gap between content specialization and management.

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