How To Put Freelance Work on a Resume (+ Examples)

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June 29, 2023
Edited by
Kayte Grady
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min read

3 key takeaways

  • Whether you should put freelance work on your resume
  • Where and how to add freelance gigs
  • Freelance resume examples and Teal’s AI Resume Builder to help you get started

Do you have freelance work experience? If you’ve done a significant amount of freelance work, it’s worth putting this experience on your resume to help employers get a better sense of your full work history and understand the transferable skills you’ve gained. However, listing freelance gigs without overloading your resume can be tricky. Let’s learn how to do it right.

Need to create a freelance resume? Write one for free with Teal's AI Resume Builder.

Understanding freelance work on resumes

Before you jump into freelance resumes, it’s helpful to take a step back and make sure you understand what “freelance” actually means. 

What is freelance work?

Generally, freelance work is considered to be any work that you’ve done as a W9 employee (instead of W2), meaning that you worked for yourself rather than an employer. According to a study by McKinsey, 36% of U.S. employees are independent workers (with the total percentage including people who do some independent work on top of permanent employment). 

Key characteristics of freelance work

  • Freelance gigs are typically short-term and always part-time.
  • Working 40 hours a week for a single client is not technically considered freelance work, even if you've signed a W9.
  • Freelance work can be done in virtually any position—such as content writing, graphic design, or data analysis.
  • You have the freedom to work with multiple freelance clients at the same time.
An example of how to put freelance work on a resume
Need more samples? Explore other example freelance digital marketer resumes.

Should you add freelance work on a resume?

Absolutely—but the right kind of freelance work. Any work experiences you add to your resume should serve as a positive reflection of your abilities and expertise. These past gigs should also be relevant to the job(s) you’re now applying for. If they aren’t, there may not be any point in including them.

When and why to list freelance work on a resume

It’s helpful to incorporate freelance experience into your resume because it proves your work ethic and skills. Even during work experiences when you didn’t hold a full-time position, you still provided value to your client and learned valuable transferable skills that you can take into your next role. 

But just because you’ve done freelance work doesn’t necessarily mean you should always include it on your resume. Instead, consider each gig through the lens of how helpful it would be for a potential employer.

Here are a few scenarios when you should put freelance work on your resume:

  • The freelance work is relevant. Would a finance company where you’re applying for a loan specialist position care that you once did graphic design for a fashion retailer? Probably not—but a cosmetics company looking for a copywriter absolutely would.
  • It demonstrates transferable skills. Transferable skills are applicable across multiple roles and industries (like communication or creativity). If a certain freelance experience allowed you to demonstrate or gain these kinds of skills, it’s helpful to include. 
  • It filled an employment gap. Cover up those pesky gaps in your resume by showing how you kept yourself busy with freelance work when you didn’t have a full-time job.
  • It was consistent. Unless it was for a major, well-known company, one-off freelance gigs might not be worth the space they’ll take up. Choose freelance experiences that lasted for at least a few months.
  • Freelancing was your primary source of income, not just a side gig. If you’ve managed at any point to sustain your career and provide for your family on freelance work alone, that’s impressive! As someone who’s self-employed, you’re responsible for getting out there and finding your own gigs on a regular basis—and that demonstrates the kind of hustle that employers (even those hiring for a W2 position) want to see.
  • You achieved noteworthy success. Significant achievements or successes in a freelancing career can boost your resume’s impact.

If a freelance experience doesn’t fit into at least one of these categories, it might be a waste of space.

How to put freelance work on your resume

Figuring out which gigs to include on your resume is an important first step. But simply listing the right work isn’t enough—you also need to list it the right way. Follow these steps to learn how to list freelance work on your resume.

1. Identify your role

Start by clearly stating the work was freelance or contract work to avoid any confusion about your employment status.

2. Describe your experience

Wondering how to write experience on a resume—particularly for freelance gigs? For each freelance project, mention the client's name, your role, and the project's scope. Highlight your contributions and any notable achievements.

3. Organize your content

When it comes to where to put freelance work on your resume, weave it in throughout various resume sections. Here's how.

  • Work Experience Section: List freelance projects alongside traditional employment, ensuring consistent formatting.
  • Projects Section: If you have multiple freelance projects, consider a separate section detailing each project's specifics.
  • Skills Section: Emphasize skills honed through freelancing, such as time management and adaptability.

4. Format your freelance resume

What is the best resume format for including freelance work on your resume?

There are four primary resume formats: chronological, functional, skills-based, and hybrid (which combines chronological and functional). Most resumes use a chronological format to list work experiences in the order they happened. For people with freelance experience, though, a hybrid resume can also be helpful. This allows you to focus on both your skills and your experience.

Examples of how to add freelance work on a resume

Your resume might look different based on how much freelance work you’ve done. If you’ve freelanced full-time for several years, your resume will be heavy on the freelance projects. But if freelancing is a side hustle mixed with traditional employment, you might split things up, adding a few freelance clients in the projects section and focusing on your 9-5 job everywhere else.

To see it all in action, check out these examples of freelance work on resumes:

Freelance UX Designer

  • Generated ideas based on client customer personas
  • Developed websites and software to solve UX problems
  • Managed and prioritized multiple client projects simultaneously to meet deadlines for all

Find more examples of Freelance UX Designer resumes

Freelance Front-End Developer

  • Created client websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Heavily customized WordPress as a content management system
  • Provided website maintenance, support, and troubleshooting over time

Find more examples of Freelance Front-End Developer resumes

Freelance Content Writer

  • Researched, wrote, and edited blog posts, social media copy, and ebooks for clients
  • Conducted keyword research and optimized content for SEO
  • Adhered to each client’s individual tone of voice and editorial style guide

Find more examples of Freelance Content Writer resumes

Freelance Video Editor

  • Created and edited video content for social media, commercials, and PSAs
  • Worked with Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Audition to make creative edits

Find more examples of Freelance Video Editor resumes

Freelance Graphic Designer

  • Concepted and designed graphics for social media, brochures, posters, and websites
  • Implemented on-brand color, typography, and other design elements
  • Collaborated with copywriters on projects like brochures and social media campaigns

Find more examples of Freelance Graphic Designer resumes

Freelance Artist

  • Developed and created digital illustrations for clients
  • Researched and developed new techniques and materials
  • Collaborated with other artists and designers

Find more examples of Freelance Artist resumes

Freelance Virtual Assistant

  • Responded to all emails and phone calls within 24 business hours
  • Created and maintained filing system for digital organization
  • Created and managed client social media accounts on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

Find more examples of Freelance Virtual Assistant resumes

How to present freelance achievements on your resume

Work accomplishments or achievements are an important section of any resume. Maybe you increased a company’s sales, reduced costs, or won an employee award. These are all valuable ways to prove the value you bring. 

Come up with some accomplishments for resume by considering anything you did that could be expressed in numbers. “Increased annual productivity by 15%” sounds a lot more impressive than “brainstormed ways to reduce meetings,” right? Quantify any bullet point you can. Then include these resume accomplishments in your work experience section.

How to put freelance work on a resume with Teal

Teal’s AI Resume Builder is a great fit for job seekers looking to incorporate their freelance experience into their resume.

Just like any traditional work experience, add the job, dates, your role, and your achievements (with impact).

With Teal you can store your entire career history—including all of your freelance work—in one location. Then pick and choose what you want to showcase depending on the job you're applying for.

You can also use the Resume Builder’s AI to boost your resume summary, bullets, and other sections. Then cross-check your resume’s effectiveness with the resume checker and brush up any areas that could be improved.

List freelance work on your resume with Teal

Freelance experience has a myriad of benefits! It can show a potential employer that you have initiative, strong time management skills, and a variety of skills. And when presented correctly, this diverse, varied experience is just what you need to help you land a new job.

With Teal, you can easily organize all your freelance work into one comprehensive career history. When you're ready to apply for your next opportunity, Teal's tools help you tailor your resume quickly and effectively. Sign up for a free Teal account today and build a resume that highlights your freelance achievements and gets you noticed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I include freelance work on my resume?

Sure! Any freelance gigs that positively represent what you do and that are relevant to the job you’re applying for are fair game to go in the work experience or projects section of your resume.

Does freelance work count as work experience?

Absolutely! You’re doing work and you’re getting paid for it, just like you would at a traditional job—you’re just doing it on your schedule instead. Include relevant freelance work in your work experience resume section.

How many freelance clients should I list on my resume?

3-5 is a good rule of thumb. You don’t want your resume to stretch out too long. But it’s good to show that you can manage multiple gigs. Consider choosing the clients that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for now.

How do you list multiple freelance clients on a resume?

Include your freelance clients in the work experience section. Name each client and the role you did for them (for instance, “Freelance graphic designer” and “DesignGuru”). Describe the work you did in a few brief bullet points.

What is the best resume format for freelancers?

The best resume format for freelance work is either a functional or hybrid format. A functional resume organizes your work experience by theme. Hybrid resumes utilize a chronological format but showcase your skills and abilities more heavily.

Hailey Hudson

Hailey Hudson is a full-time freelance writer and content marketer based out of Atlanta, Georgia. She writes in the healthcare, digital marketing, education, and pet industries.

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