Understanding The Basics of an Account Manager Job Description In An Advertising Agency

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February 4, 2022
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Account managers in advertising agencies are client representatives and agency salespersons. They play a significant role in keeping the clients and the agency satisfied, and are typically responsible for ensuring performance goals are met. They make sure that the agency meets clients' needs. 

According to Glassdoor, the average base pay for an ad agency account manager in the United States is $60,070 per year. The highest salary for an ad agency account manager in the United States is over $100,000 per year, while the lowest is $36,147 per year. This varies by geography and seniority.

If you're already looking for an account manager job at a marketing agency, we highly suggest trying Teal's 100% free Job Application Tracker to manage your job search.

Let's learn the basics of an account manager's role in an advertising agency. 

What Do You Know About Account Manager Job Descriptions In Advertising Agencies? 

An agency account manager plays a vital role in customer satisfaction and keeps the agency satisfied. In addition, as an advertising account manager, they are a significant link between the clients and the agency. 

They handle marketing and advertising accounts to some extent. The clients contact them, and they act as client representatives when a meeting with the agency. They have the skills to deal with customers tactfully. It's a challenging role as they need to keep the customers happy. They also bring new business for the agency and play an active role in client retention. 

Account managers at the advertising agency can also train new executives. They may even recruit them! 

As an account manager in the advertising agency, they would be responsible for creating the client's portfolio accounts. So they would also be keeping an eye on the client's accounts. They would also deliver advertising projects. They would review these projects and manage them for their clients. They would inform the clients about the work status by meeting them on a day-to-day basis or when needed. 

They work with internal and external team members. The internal team includes agency team members, while the external team members are the client's marketing team. It depends on what the job demands. 

The agency account manager designs the brief for the agency, and they also need to keep the client's budget in mind. Therefore, the job description would vary from one company to another! 


They need to have strong interpersonal skills and effective communication skills. It's great to have attention to detail as it can help in spotting new business opportunities. 

An agency account manager needs to have strong organization skills. They must be able to collaborate and must have problem-solving skills. They also need management skills to deal with multiple clients simultaneously. 

In this age of the internet and information technology, it's hard to deny that an account manager needs to maintain a solid social media presence. 

The account managers also explain costs to the clients and keep an eye on the budget, revenues, and expenses. So, knowledge of finance can be excellent! 

If you are an account manager, your client must trust you. In addition, you have to adhere to deadlines and explain things clearly to the customers. Thus, your strong communication skills would come into play! 


Many companies have started maintaining their online presence to promote their products and services. Any creative work and dealing with creative teams means that it’s a must to learn the tools that can help the account team. An agency account manager needs to know the relevant tools and techniques vital to keeping pace with the fast-changing world. For example, they must be mindful of SEO tools, Customer Relationship Management tools, etc. It's good to be aware of project management too.


You will be working the typical 9 to 5 job and sometimes late for a particular project! Some may opt to work as freelancers but must have the experience. 

Advertising agencies hire account managers. To excel in their career, they need to get more experience. Later they can promote the role of account director. 


A publicist has somewhat a similar role as the account manager. You may know account managers by the titles such as business managers or maybe even client services manager. The account executives bring additional clients to the company while account managers deal with the contracts and other processes. 


The job description may require the account manager job executive to have a four-year college degree in advertising, communication, marketing, business administration, or related field. An internship can also help get the experience that will look great on the resume. On-the-job training can also help you acquire the required experience if you don't have a formal education. 

Final Words 

The agency account managers can maintain client relationships and act as a salesperson for the agency. The job description of the account manager in the advertising agency would vary as it depends on various factors. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key responsibilities of an account manager in an advertising agency?

An account manager in an advertising agency is primarily responsible for maintaining and growing relationships with clients, understanding their needs, and ensuring that the agency delivers services that meet those needs. This includes coordinating with creative and planning teams, managing budgets and timelines, and being the main point of contact for clients throughout campaigns.

How does an account manager contribute to the success of an advertising campaign?

An account manager contributes to campaign success by acting as a bridge between the client and the agency's creative team. They ensure clear communication of the client's vision and objectives, manage expectations, and provide strategic guidance. Their understanding of both client needs and agency capabilities is crucial for delivering successful campaigns that achieve desired outcomes.

What skills are essential for an account manager in an advertising agency to possess?

Essential skills for an account manager in an advertising agency include strong communication and interpersonal skills, strategic thinking, project management abilities, and a deep understanding of advertising and marketing principles. Additionally, they must be adept at problem-solving, negotiation, and have the capacity to manage multiple projects simultaneously while maintaining attention to detail.

Dave Fano

Founder and CEO of Teal, Dave is a serial entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience building products & services to help people leverage technology and achieve more with less.

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