What Should You Do For a Video Job Interview?

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May 12, 2020
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In today's business world, more and more companies are using video chats for job interviews. This can be used for someone applying for a job in a different city or state.

It's also common if you will be working away from the company's headquarters. It's a great way to meet a potential client too, instead of flying them across the country.

You want to be just as prepared for a video interview as you would for an in-person one. Below, we will provide some tips and tricks to get yourself ready for a video job interview.

Preparing for a video interview

Video interviews require similar preparation to an in-person interview. Here are a couple of tips that are unique to a video interview though. If you do these in advance it can help ensure your interview will run smoothly.

  • Make sure your internet connection is strong.
  • Find a quiet room with good lighting.
  • Make sure there is nothing in the background that you wouldn't want the interviewer to see.
  • Test your webcam.
  • Check your microphone.
  • Make sure your computer is fully charged or plugged in. Your interview could take longer than you might expect.

You always want to dress professionally for video interviews. However, since you will be sitting down you can leave the full suit at home. Test how much of you the interviewer will see before deciding what to wear.

If you only see your top half you can wear something comfortable on the bottom. Just don't stand up until the call is over!

Try to sit in a place that looks professional. A home office is a great place for a video interview. At least try to be at a desk or table. That works better than doing a video interview from your couch or bed.

Always close the door to avoid noises or distractions. If you are in public, make sure the camera is properly positioned and you are in a quiet space. A library study room is a great option.

Just as you would for an in-person interview, you need to practice answers to common interview questions. Who your video interview is with will determine the type of questions you will be asked and the length of your call. Here are some common interview questions that you should be prepared to answer during video interviews.

  • Why do you want to work here?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Why do you think you are the best candidate for the job?
  • What do you like doing in your free time?
  • Why do you want to leave your current job?

Write down a few questions to ask the interviewer during your video interview as well. You can also have a few notes to remind you of things you want to say.

When discussing previous jobs, have examples of experiences that make you stand apart from others. Make sure you don't just read from your notes. Lastly, always make eye contact with the person conducting the interview.

Tips for your video interview

Prepare your equipment ahead of your video interview. Make sure everything is working properly before the interview begins. Don't forget to test your camera, internet connection, screen, light, and microphone.

It's important to be sitting in front of your computer when your potential employer initiates your video interview. Keep your phone nearby in case there are any issues. If the video isn't clear or you are having a hard time hearing the interviewer, address it right away.

Once your video job interview starts pay attention to your eye contact and body language. This is the biggest difference between phone interviews and video interviews. Make sure you aren't slouching or laying down. Your body language should mimic how you would act during an in-person interview.

You want the hiring manager to see that you are engaged and interested. Sometimes a video interview can make you feel distant from the interviewer. Making eye contact is a great way to make a connection when you aren't in person.

Make sure you speak clearly and look for cues from the interviewer. Give them time to ask the next question. Even though you are on a video interview, the conversation should still flow.

If you are using notes, make sure you aren't constantly looking down. Keep a pen and paper nearby so you can write things down. You will want to get the contact information for all of the people you interview with to send a follow-up.

The more prepared you are, the better chance you have for success. Don't forget to use your notes. You want to provide context to your resume during your interview, so a personal anecdote to remember you by that relates to the open position is a good idea.

Do a quick search on the company's website to reference during your interview. You may also use your research to ask a question.

If you follow these tips and tricks, you will be ready to nail your video job interview. You know how to act during job interviews, and video ones should be no different. If you are well prepared, you will do great on any video interview.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I ensure my technology won't fail during a video job interview?

To minimize the risk of technical issues, test your equipment and internet connection before the interview. Close unnecessary applications to ensure your computer runs smoothly, and have a backup plan, such as a phone with a video calling app installed, in case your primary device fails.

What is the best way to convey professionalism in a video job interview setting?

Dress as you would for an in-person interview, choosing professional attire that looks good on camera. Ensure your background is tidy and free from distractions, use good lighting, and position the camera at eye level to maintain direct "eye contact" with the interviewer.

How can I effectively communicate my enthusiasm and body language in a video job interview?

Use positive facial expressions, nod to show you're actively listening, and use hand gestures naturally as you would in person. Make sure to speak clearly and at a moderate pace, and remember to smile to convey enthusiasm and confidence throughout the interview.

Dave Fano

Founder and CEO of Teal, Dave is a serial entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience building products & services to help people leverage technology and achieve more with less.

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