What Are Your Biggest Strengths?

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April 16, 2020
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3 Key Takeaways

  • Highlight strengths like flexibility, problem-solving, and communication with real examples from past work experiences.
  • Tailor your strengths to align with the role you’re applying for, ensuring relevance and impact in your answers.
  • Use our AI Resume Builder to effectively showcase your strengths in your resume, helping you stand out to hiring managers.

Before you go on a job interview, you will want to prepare answers for frequently asked interview questions. A common interview question is, what are your greatest strengths? 

How to answer this question is something we will dive into below. We will make sure you are prepared to discuss your greatest strength with any interviewer.

Note:  Prior to the interview, it's a good idea to include strengths in your resume. This will help the interviewer learn more about you, and can help facilitate the discussion during interviews.

What are some good strengths to mention during your job interviews?

You may have a lot of traits you consider to be strengths. When asked what your greatest strength is, it can be hard to narrow down the best answer. Below are a few suggestions and how to discuss them with your interviewer.

You always want to provide context to your answers. Don't just rattle off skills or strengths but have examples from past work experiences to back up your statements. This also helps bring your resume to life and lets the interviewer know more about your personality.


In today's work environment, employees are often spread thin. Hiring managers want to find a candidate that has flexibility.

It's a great characteristic to show that you are able to adapt to all types of situations. If you use flexibility as your greatest strength, have a strong example of being flexible in a previous position.

Problem Solving

Every job requires a form of problem-solving and it's a great strength to mention during a job interview. Mention a past role where you were in a difficult situation and were able to make a positive impact through problem-solving. Having the ability and determination to tackle stressful problems is a great attribute to demonstrate at your interview.

Communication Skills

The way you present yourself in your job interview is an opportunity to show you have strong communication skills without having to list it out. Responding to interview questions with confidence shows you are a good communicator.

Rather than saying your greatest strength is communication, use that skill while discussing your other strengths. For example, people skills, being a team player, and writing skills are all qualities of strong communication skills.


Working well with others is one of the greatest strengths a job candidate can have. There are very few jobs that don't require you to work with other people.

Make sure that if you are applying for a job that is part of a team you mention your background in teamwork. Being a good team member is a strength the hiring manager will want to know about.

Candidates should share examples of accomplishments while working with a group. If your past experience includes leading a team to great achievements, mention it during your job interview since it also shows that you have leadership skills.


Job candidates who are proud of their creativity should bring this up as a strength. Examples of utilizing your creativity can include, designing presentations, handling difficult customers, and reworking outdated processes. Many people take their creative talents for granted.

Not all job seekers can think on their feet and come up with good ideas. If you can, speak about past projects where your creative expertise made an impact on the company.

Tips for before your interview

Practice example answers

Before your job interview, practice some examples to discuss your greatest strength. Review the job description to ensure your answer ties back to a needed function of the role. Answer this question with confidence that shows your knowledge of the industry. You want your answers to highlight your work ethic and job performance.

What is your greatest weakness?

If the interviewer asks about your greatest strength, be prepared to also discuss your weaknesses. Before your job interviews, have a few sample answers for both your weaknesses and strengths. Most interviewers will not just ask one of these interview questions, but both.

Here are a few common weaknesses to consider if asked this interview question.

  • Public speaking
  • Insecure
  • Too detail-oriented
  • Self-criticism
  • Avoiding confrontation

Some more career advice when talking about your weaknesses is to always mention ways you are working to improve. Everyone has something they can improve on and acknowledging it shows your confidence.

Employers will not believe that someone is great at everything. Each person interviewing should have a couple of weaknesses to discuss if asked this job interview question.

Final thoughts on the answer to the interview question, what are your strengths?

Remember the best answer is typically one you have prepared. You may meet with more than one person and chances are that at least one of the team members will ask you a question about your strengths. Your response should highlight the qualifications and attributes that make you a star candidate.

If you put some time and effort into your interview answers, the job offers should start rolling in.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I effectively communicate creativity as a strength during an interview?

To effectively communicate creativity as a strength, provide specific examples of how your creative thinking has led to successful outcomes in past roles. Explain the process you used to generate innovative solutions and how it added value to the project or organization. Emphasize your ability to see things from different perspectives and your willingness to experiment with new ideas.

What is the best way to answer the "greatest strength" interview question without sounding cliché?

To avoid sounding cliché, tailor your answer to the job description by highlighting a strength that is directly relevant to the role. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to give a concise story that demonstrates your strength in action. Be genuine and self-reflective, and avoid overused phrases by focusing on how your unique experiences have shaped your strengths.

Can I mention more than one strength during a job interview, and if so, how should I prioritize them?

Yes, you can mention more than one strength, but prioritize them based on the job requirements. Start with the strength most relevant to the position, and then briefly touch on one or two additional strengths that could benefit the role. Keep your response focused and concise, ensuring each strength is backed by a concrete example that illustrates your capabilities.

Dave Fano

Founder and CEO of Teal, Dave is a serial entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience building products & services to help people leverage technology and achieve more with less.

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