The Best Way To Highlight Time Management Skills in a Resume

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September 7, 2023
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In today's competitive, fast-paced professional world, the spotlight isn't just on what you can do but how efficiently you can do it. Time management skills have become a golden ticket for job applicants looking to leave a lasting impression on hiring managers. 

Wondering how to weave time management skills into a resume? Let's navigate this together and look at some tips below.

3 key takeaways

  • Defining the key time management skills you should add to your resume
  • How to illustrate your time management skills based on your role
  • How Teal’s AI Resume Builder can help you highlight your time management skills

What does time management mean on a resume?

Time management is a collection of resume soft skills that determine how effectively you can utilize your time. 

Employers want candidates with robust time management abilities because they bring efficiency and consistency to the team. Employees with good time management skills help companies meet deadlines and boost profits, so employers actively seek out these skills. 

Highlighting the important time management skills on your resume shows potential employers that you know how to manage your time wisely. It proves you tackle your most challenging tasks at times when you’re most productive and create (and adhere to) schedules that help you get everything done. 

Examples of time management skills for your resume

Time management skills are actually made up of several different abilities that collectively boost productivity and timeliness. Each of these components is a skill in itself that you can showcase on a resume or job application. 

Whether it’s your first resume or your hundredth, let’s explore some of the essential time management-related skills you’ll want on your resume.

Task prioritization

Our modern, digital world is full of distractions. Determining which tasks are critical and which ones can wait is a vital aspect of time management. This skill streamlines workflows, makes it easier to allocate resources, and even reduces stress levels. 

Goal setting

Setting tangible, achievable goals is essential for good time management. Goals act as motivators that guide us in our professional endeavors, helping us make the right decisions and achieve our objectives. 

Deadline management

This skill isn't just about beating the clock. It's about understanding task urgency, aligning resources, and ensuring deliverables don't lag along the way. Deadline management is an exercise in meticulousness and syncs closely with task prioritization.

Planning and scheduling

Envisioning tasks and carving out a roadmap is important for any professional goals, but it’s especially vital for teams who work on several projects at once. It ensures employees don’t feel overwhelmed or caught off guard by unexpected workloads.

Time blocking

Time blocking is like compartmentalizing your day into neat boxes. Each block is dedicated to a specific task or set of tasks. Knowing how long tasks will take and which ones have the highest priority will help make time blocking easier.

This practice also curbs the urge to start multitasking, ensuring each task receives your undivided attention.

Focus and concentration

A huge aspect of time management is being able to focus on a task without giving in to distractions. In an age of constant digital nudges, this can be an extremely difficult thing to do. But it's important because it ensures you’re giving your best effort on each task, which will lead to better outcomes in the long run. 


Organizational skills are the bedrock of time management. An organized workspace, digital space, and mindset reduce friction and bolster efficiency.

Some ways to improve your organizational skills include:

  • Using a planner, journal, or calendar to organize tasks
  • Creating to-do lists based on priority and deadlines
  • Breaking down bigger jobs into smaller, more manageable tasks
  • Decluttering your physical or digital workspace regularly
  • Delegating tasks when you can to free up timeframes and focus on your most important tasks
  • Using your communication skills to clearly convey the amount of time you need for certain job duties 


The corporate world (or any professional environment) is often dynamic. Deadlines shift, priorities evolve, and tasks mutate. An adaptable professional uses their problem-solving and time management skills to recalibrate their strategies and meet deadlines or goals despite changes.

Where to include time management skills

You can highlight your time management skills in different ways throughout your resume. (And don’t forget to showcase them when speaking with hiring managers or recruiters or answering job interview questions.)

Professional resume summary

Professional summaries are sections that let you briefly touch on who you are as a professional. In this section, you can include information about your time management skills to signal your commitment to efficiency.

Use Teal’s AI Resume Builder to generate multiple versions of your professional summary and tailor each to a job description. 

Work experience achievements

Your professional “Work Experience” section should focus on your work history, and it’s also a great place to subtly weave in your time management skills alongside resume hard skills to showcase how you used them together to succeed. 

You can use Teal’s AI Resume Builder to generate impactful achievements, too. Tweak them as needed to showcase your time management skills with impact. 

A dedicated “Skills” section

If you choose to have a dedicated resume “Skills” section that includes more than just the recommended hard skills, you’ll want to be specific when highlighting time management skills. 

Break it down into particular skills, like “task prioritization” or “deadline management,” to clearly convey your abilities. (But remember, soft skills like time management are more effective when you showcase them alongside impact.) 


Your resume’s “Education” section isn’t an effective place to mention time management skills. But you can talk about your excellent time management skills and how they helped you further your education in your cover letter if you’re a recent graduate and it’s applicable to the role you’re applying for.

Examples of time management skills on a resume

Time management skills are essential in any role, but they’re not always used in the same ways. Learning what employers want, in terms of time management skills for specific roles you apply to, will better your chances of landing the job. 

Here are a few examples of how you can talk about time management skills on your resume outside of a dedicated resume “Skills” section based on the role you want.

Customer service representative

A customer service representative’s primary role is to assist customers and resolve issues to maintain customer satisfaction and build brand loyalty. Ensuring there is enough time to tackle all your duties requires good time management skills. 

Example for resume: "Managed 50+ daily customer queries, achieving a first-contact resolution rate of 95%, underscoring efficiency."

Marketing coordinator

A marketing coordinator is responsible for planning, implementing, and overseeing strategies that promote a company's products or services. They coordinate various marketing activities, analyze market trends, and manage a team to execute campaigns effectively, so time management is very important.

Example for resume: "Orchestrated multiple simultaneous campaigns, consistently achieving on-time roll-outs and surpassing engagement KPIs by 15%."

Sales manager

A sales manager leads and guides a team of sales representatives, setting targets, providing coaching, and overseeing strategies to meet revenue goals and build client relationships. Time management is essential to foster those important relationships and meet sales goals.

Example for resume: "Seamlessly juggled client meetings, team mentorship, and sales targets, consistently overshooting quarterly objectives by 20%."

For more samples of how to incorporate skills, check out these sales manager resume examples.

Senior project manager

A senior project manager oversees complex projects from initiation to completion, coordinating resources, managing stakeholders, and ensuring successful delivery. All of these tasks require a lot of organization and time management acumen. 

Example for resume: "Helmed multifaceted projects, leveraging time management skills to ensure 100% on-time delivery across all quarters in 2022."

Administrative assistant

An administrative assistant provides clerical and organizational support to ensure the smooth functioning of an office or organization. They manage duties such as scheduling appointments, handling correspondence, and maintaining records, all of which require time management skills.

Example for resume: "Efficiently curated and managed daily schedules for a team of 10 senior executives, resulting in a 25% uptick in productivity and timely task execution."

Create a stronger resume with Teal

Showcasing your professional journey and highlighting all your essential, most important skills will help streamline your job search. But, effective time management skills are also vital for success in your new position. 

Luckily, Teal can help. With Teal, you’re not just creating a resume—you’re shining a spotlight on your skillset and showing hiring managers why you’re the right person for the job.

Put your time management skills to use: Sign up with Teal today to create a stellar resume in less time!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I quantify my time management skills on my resume?

To quantify your time management skills, include specific examples where you efficiently managed deadlines or projects. Mention any tools or methods you used, like the Pomodoro Technique or Kanban boards, and highlight achievements such as completing tasks ahead of schedule or handling multiple projects simultaneously. Use numbers to illustrate the volume of work or the time you saved, such as "Managed a team of 5 to deliver project 20% ahead of deadline."

Should I list time management as a soft skill or demonstrate it through my experiences?

Rather than just listing 'time management' as a soft skill, it's more effective to demonstrate it through your experiences and achievements. Use bullet points under each relevant job position to describe situations where your time management skills were critical. For instance, "Coordinated a cross-departmental project under tight deadlines, resulting in a 15% increase in team efficiency."

Can I include time management skills in the summary section of my resume?

Yes, the summary section is a great place to highlight your time management skills. Craft a concise statement that encapsulates your proficiency in organizing, prioritizing, and executing tasks. For example, "Detail-oriented marketing professional with a proven track record of managing complex campaigns on tight schedules, ensuring timely delivery and exceptional results."

Dave Fano

Founder and CEO of Teal, Dave is a serial entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience building products & services to help people leverage technology and achieve more with less.

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