How Do You End an Interview?

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February 3, 2020
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As an interview winds down, you might start to low-key panic as it dawns on you that you only have seconds left to make a good impression. The key is to end on a high note and ensure the interviewer knows you are the candidate for the role, but how do you do that?

First of all, don’t worry! We are here to help you learn how to finish out an interview the right way. Below are a few solid tips on how to finish a job interview like a pro. Follow the steps below and you'll seal up your interview nicely while impressing the hiring manager.

Reiterate your interest in the job

Make sure the interviewer leaves the job interview knowing that you want the position. Solidify it by reiterating what makes you an ideal candidate. You can bring up a skill listed in the job description that you are an expert in, for example. Sound excited and emphasize that you would be a great asset to their company.

Ask Questions

The easy way to know the interview is coming to a close is when the interviewer asks “do you have any questions?” Be prepared with a question or two about their company or maybe about the next step. Try not to simply say no because that wouldn't indicate extreme interest.

Have a couple of general questions in your head and save one for this point. For example, you can ask about the culture at the company or something specific to the role. 

How many questions should you ask at the end of the interview?

You should ask as much as you want. Being bold at the end of an interview can be the key to sealing the deal for you. Ask the interviewer head-on if they have any concerns about you in the open position or in the business as a whole.

If you take this risk, be prepared to answer what might come next. Lack of experience for an aspect of the role is a common concern that could come up.

Have a response ready that shows you are a quick learner and willing to do whatever it takes to get up to speed. In short though, ask until you get the answers you need.

Ask for the next step

Ask at the interview for the next steps. This reinforces your interest in the role. Question the timing and if there are further rounds of interviews before they make a decision.

Being proactive can help move through the process faster. You may be able to schedule your next interview before even leaving. 

What are good closing interview questions? 

Chances are you are not the only candidate applying for the role. Others who are on a job search are probably waiting for their interview too in just the next room.

The end of your interview is the last impression you portray, so this is a key time to ask for any and all info you didn't already get. Here are three quick examples:

What are the next steps?

Is there anything I should know about working here?

When can I expect to hear back about this?

Also, it's a good time to share anything you weren’t able to convey during the interview and provide a summary of yourself and your career. An example might be, “While I’ve made my skills for data collection clear, I also wanted to let you know I have a lot of experience as a writer. Would you like to read any examples from my writing career?"

Bring up mutual connections

If you have a personal mutual connection with the hiring manager, the end of an interview is a great time to bring this up. The interviewer will then have another way to remember you beyond just a description of your career, your resume, and your email address.

Saving this until the end of the interview allows you to shine without the help of a colleague or friend. If you can establish rapport during your interview, you will have a better chance of getting hired at their company.

Before you leave, make sure to thank the person interviewing you for the opportunity. They probably have several candidates to interview for the job and you're taking time out of their day, so you ought to thank them for the chance to book an interview at its closing.

Don't forget to summarize why you're a good fit for their team and why, if given the opportunity, you'll be a professional success at their company.

Follow the steps above and you will know how to make your job search shorter by making a big splash at your interviews. These tips can be applied to interviews of all types, so follow these tips carefully to ensure that your job search ends with your very next interview.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some effective closing statements for an interview?

Effective closing statements in an interview should reiterate your interest in the position, summarize your qualifications, and express gratitude for the opportunity. For example, you might say, "Thank you for considering me for this role. I am very excited about the possibility of contributing to your team and am confident that my skills in [specific skill] would be beneficial to your company's goals."

Is it appropriate to ask about next steps at the end of an interview?

Yes, it is appropriate and even advisable to ask about the next steps in the interview process. This shows your enthusiasm for the position and helps you understand the timeline for decision-making. You could phrase it as, "Can you tell me what the next steps are in the interview process?" or "When can I expect to hear back regarding the outcome of today's interview?"

How can you ensure you leave a lasting impression after an interview concludes?

To leave a lasting impression, be sure to end the interview on a positive note. Smile, offer a firm handshake, and make eye contact. You can also follow up with a thank-you email within 24 hours, reiterating your interest and summarizing why you believe you are a great fit for the role. This level of professionalism and courtesy can set you apart from other candidates.

Dave Fano

Founder and CEO of Teal, Dave is a serial entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience building products & services to help people leverage technology and achieve more with less.

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