Your Resume Administrative Skills: How To List Them (+ Steps and Examples)

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September 20, 2023
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Administrative skills are the unsung heroes of the professional world.

In the same way, you can admire a plant without seeing the roots; it's easy to look at a well-run business and overlook the structures holding everything together.

That's why it's so crucial for you to finally give these core skills the attention they deserve.

If you're ready to supercharge your administrative skills, resume strategies like the ones below will help you understand why, where, and how to showcase this skill set for hiring managers and recruiters— grabbing the attention you need to advance your career.

3 takeaways

  • What are administrative skills?
  • How to identify your administration skills (+administrative skills examples)
  • How to showcase your administrative skills with the Teal AI Resume Builder

What are administrative skills? 

Administrative skills enable you to effectively manage tasks, people, and processes within a business setting. Whether you're an office administrator, executive assistant, or an entrepreneur, these skills serve as the engine that keeps the organizational machine running smoothly. 

Administrative skills can vary greatly, offering examples of hard and soft administrative skills. They can refer to a range of hard skills (or "technical skills"), like mastering Microsoft Office programs, but they can also refer to soft skills like interpersonal skills, communication, and problem-solving.

These are the skills that ensure day-to-day business operations run smoothly.

What makes a skill "administrative." 

A skill is considered "administrative" when it directly contributes to an organization or team's management. These skills often serve as the backbone of business administration operations, enabling seamless coordination, effective communication, and organized workflows. 

Whether you're in human resources, finance, project management, or customer service, administrative skills aren't confined to a specific administrative position; they are relevant in almost every professional setting and level. 

They may involve scheduling meetings, data management, correspondence, and reporting.

The importance of administrative skills in the workplace 

The importance of administrative skills in the workplace can't be overstated. Think of these skills as the oil that keeps the machinery of an organization running smoothly. 

Here are some of the concrete reasons administrative skills are so crucial to your business:

  • Enhances productivity: Administrative skills like time management skills and organization are the backbone of productivity. They help in effectively prioritizing tasks and meeting deadlines, ensuring that projects sail smoothly to completion.
  • Facilitates communication: Skills such as clear writing and efficient meeting management are vital in making sure information travels effortlessly within the organization. This streamlines decision-making processes and fosters a collaborative work environment.
  • Boosts cost-efficiency: Skills in budgeting, resource allocation, and data management are financial lifesavers. They enable organizations to optimize limited resources, minimizing waste and maximizing the bottom line.
  • Improves employee well-being: A well-organized workspace and effectively managed schedule contribute to a healthier, stress-free work environment. When tasks are planned and communicated clearly, office assistants can focus on their roles without unnecessary stress or uncertainty.

But once you understand why administrative skills matter, you'll need to do the hard part: identify your skills and add them to your administrative resume in the most impactful places.

Different types of administrative skills

Administrative skills are a varied set, encompassing both hard and soft skills. Administrative assistants and others should take note of how they break down:

Hard skills

1. Data entry: The backbone of many admin jobs, data entry involves inputting information into databases, spreadsheets, or software. This skill is crucial for inventory management, record-keeping, or even basic CRM tasks.

2. MS Office proficiency: Mastering programs like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint also means you're a pro at creating spreadsheets and crafting presentations; these tools are the bread and butter of administrative work.

3. Database management: This goes beyond basic data entry. Managing a database involves knowing how to organize, find, and manipulate data in a more advanced setting.

4. Bookkeeping: Managing the company's finances, invoicing, and budgeting fall under this category. It's essential for keeping the organization financially healthy.

5. Technical support: Handling minor technical issues around the office, like printer jams or software glitches, can save time and reduce frustration.

Soft skills

1. Communication: Whether written or verbal, communication skills are key to liaising between different departments, with clients, or even among team members.

2. Problem-solving: When unexpected issues arise, the ability to think critically and find solutions is invaluable.

3. Emotional intelligence: Being aware of and sensitive to the emotional climate of the workplace can lead to a more harmonious and productive environment.

4. Time management: The better you can achieve tasks and prioritize your workload, the more effective you'll be in your role.

5. Teamwork: Collaboration is the name of the game in many administrative roles. Being able to work well with others is crucial.

Whether you're using QuickBooks or your emotional intelligence, each skill plays a pivotal role in making you the administrative ace every hiring manager needs. 

Your next step is to manage these skills in your administrative resumes effectively.

How to add administrative skills to your resume 

Knowing where to highlight your administrative skills on your resume can make or break your chances of grabbing a recruiter's attention. Here's a deep dive into exactly where you should be showcasing those coveted skills.

1. Professional Summary

The Professional Summary is the first section after your contact information. If you want to capture immediate interest, this is where you flex your administrative muscle.

Why add administrative skills to your professional summary?

Think of a professional summary as your 30-second commercial. It's where you get to make your pitch, summarizing your entire professional persona in a few lines. 

Employers are looking for a snapshot of who you are and what you can offer, so what better place to hit them with your most significant administrative skills?

The goal is to do this in a way that shows you're experienced with running those invisible tasks that keep the engine running. 

How do you add administrative skills to your professional summary?

Your aim here is brevity with impact. The idea is to weave your most potent administrative skills into a short narrative or a bullet-point list.

Example: "Dynamic administrative professional with a knack for multitasking, top-notch communication skills, and a proven track record in team leadership. Known for improving operational efficiency by 30%."

Note: Use concrete stats like in the example above ("improving operational efficiency by 30%"). Just be prepared to back up your claims when heading in for an interview. 

How to do this with Teal

Crafting the perfect resume doesn't have to feel like an uphill battle, especially not when you have Teal's AI Resume Builder on your side. 

If you already have an existing resume or a LinkedIn profile, Teal allows you to import all that valuable information directly, eliminating the need to start from square one:

That means you can focus on fine-tuning rather than building from scratch.

Now, let's zoom in on the Professional Summary. 

This is your golden opportunity to set the stage for your administrative skills. Just craft three to five sentences that encapsulate what you bring to the table and add it to the "Professional Summary" section of the builder:

It's a straightforward yet impactful way to introduce yourself to potential employers and make a memorable first impression.

There it is—a quick and effective guide on how Teal's AI Resume Builder can help you effortlessly showcase your administrative skills on your resume. 

2. Work Experience

Your administrative skills should be strategically placed throughout the "Work Experience" section, incorporated within various job roles you've held.

Why add administrative skills to your Work Experience?

Context is sovereign. By embedding your administrative skills into real-world scenarios in your past roles, you're showing rather than just telling

Employers love evidence, and this approach gives them concrete examples of your skills in action.

How do you list administrative skills in your Work Experience? 

Short and sweet bullet-point descriptions are your friend. Each bullet point should be a story of a problem, the skill you used to solve it, and the positive outcome or impact.

Example: "Leveraged strong organizational skills to revamp the file management system, leading to a 20% increase in team productivity."

Again, when providing any type of statistics on how your work benefited a previous employer, be prepared to explain this accomplishment in an interview. 

How to do this with Teal 

With Teal, adding work experience to your resume is a breeze. No coding or complicated formatting required. 

Simply hit the "Add Work Experience" button, add your position details, and you're off to the races. 

The real magic happens when you start listing your accomplishments. 

For that, click "Add an Achievement."

Not sure where to start? Teal's AI can pitch in with suggestions that could serve as an excellent foundation for describing your administrative prowess.

Remember, while AI can offer a fantastic starting point, your final resume should reflect your unique experience and skills. Always ensure that what's listed is 100% accurate to your career. 

Try Teal's intuitive platform to make your "Work Experience" section as robust and detailed as you want, showcasing those invaluable administrative skills that make you the perfect fit for the job.

3. "Skills" section

Your resume "Skills" section is usually near the end of your resume, but skills that are essential qualifications for the job should be listed throughout other sections, too.

Do you need a separate section for your administrative skills?

Having a designated section for your hard administrative skills can serve as a spotlight, drawing attention to your most relevant qualifications.

And when it comes to hard administrative skills—like software proficiency in Microsoft Office or experience with CRM systems like Hubspot or Salesforce—this is your golden opportunity. 

Listing them clearly in a separate "Skills" section ensures they won't get lost in the shuffle of your other qualifications. 

How do you add administrative skills to a resume's "Skills" section? 

Be direct and specific and incorporate only hard or tangible skills. Remember, soft skills are harder to measure, so it's important to showcase them alongside impact as proof you have them and know how to use them.


  • Microsoft Excel
  • Hubspot CRM
  • Jira
  • Google Suite
  • Calendly
  • Project management
  • Asana
  • Agile methodology

How to add administrative skills to your "Skills" section with Teal 

When it comes to showcasing your administrative skills, the "Skills" section of your resume can be your proverbial stage.

And guess what? With Teal's AI Resume Builder, you've got the flexibility to put that stage front and center. 

If you know that your administrative skills are going to be the key focus for a role you're eyeing, you can easily drag and drop the "Skills" section to a prime location on your resume.

No more fussing around with tricky formatting or templates that lock you into a set layout. Move your "Skills" section right under your Professional Summary or wherever you think it'll make the most impact. 

When you use Teal, you have the freedom to tailor your resume in a way that strategically highlights your administrative talents. 

Get your administrative foot in the door with Teal

Don't underestimate the leverage administrative skills can give you in your job search. You've read about the 'how-tos,' from listing these skills in your Professional Summary and Work Experience to positioning them strategically in your "Skills" section.

But let's make it even simpler. 

Teal's AI-powered Resume Builder is the tool you've been waiting for. Why? Because it does all the heavy lifting for you. 

Forget the stress of staring at a blank screen; the Teal AI kicks things off with solid suggestions for your professional summary, work experience, and skills. And best of all, you don't need to be tech-savvy. The drag-and-drop features let you focus on what you do best: showcasing your talents and experiences.

But at the end of the day, Teal isn't just about crafting a one-size-fits-all resume

You can create multiple versions tailored to the jobs you're targeting. The platform even scans job descriptions to suggest the keywords you should include. No more guesswork; you'll know exactly what employers are looking for.

Got a few jobs on your radar? The Job Application Tracker helps you stay organized and up-to-date. 

Want to add some flair to your resume? Go ahead; there are plenty of custom formatting options. 

Finding a new job is never easy. And in today's market, it can feel downright hard. When you use Teal's AI Resume Builder, though, you'll quickly see how easy the content creation part of the process can be. 

So why wait? Sign up and start building your resume with Teal today

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top administrative skills to feature on a resume for an entry-level position?

For an entry-level position, prioritize showcasing administrative skills such as proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, data entry, basic accounting, time management, and strong communication abilities. Highlight any experience with scheduling, customer service, and organizational skills to demonstrate your capability to handle various administrative tasks effectively.

How can I quantify my administrative skills on my resume to make a stronger impact?

Quantify your administrative skills by including metrics and specific achievements. For example, you might mention "Managed a calendar for a 10-person team, coordinating over 20 meetings per week," or "Processed an average of 100+ customer requests per day with a 98% satisfaction rate." Using numbers provides concrete evidence of your capabilities and efficiency.

Should I tailor my administrative skills on my resume for different job applications?

Absolutely, tailoring your administrative skills to match the job description is crucial. Analyze the job posting to identify the key administrative skills sought by the employer, and then highlight those skills from your own experience on your resume. Customizing your resume for each application increases your chances of passing the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and catching the hiring manager's attention.

Nathan Thompson

Nathan is a professional content marketer who's been lucky enough to write for some of the best SaaS brands on the planet, including Twilio, Trello, OptinMonster, TrustPulse, and more. When he's not obsessing over performance metrics, Nathan spends most of his time wrestling around with his kids.

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