Ferris Independent School District (TX) - Ferris, TX

posted 21 days ago

Ferris, TX
Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support

About the position

The Instructional Paraprofessional position at Ferris High School is designed to assist certified professional staff with students in the classroom to meet instructional goals and objectives. Under the direct supervision of a certified staff member, the paraprofessional will help free certified professional employees from non-professional duties, such as proctoring study halls, allowing them to contribute to other aspects of the educational program, including curriculum development.


  • Assists and guides students to reinforce reading, language arts, mathematics, computer instruction, and other skills.
  • Works with students individually and in small groups to reinforce basic learning and implement assigned programs.
  • Assists professional staff in the administration and correction of classroom exercises, tests and assessments.
  • Assists in classroom preparations and strategies for reinforcing instructional materials and skills according to individual student needs.
  • Assists with record-keeping procedures to document student learning and performance.
  • Assists with classroom behavioral management to minimize disruptions, ensure a safe and orderly classroom, and ensure students are on task.
  • Assists students in non-instructional areas, such as supervising the student lunch programs, bus duty, playground duty, corridor, study hall, and other related non-instructional areas.
  • Accompanies students on field trips for the purpose of assisting with supervision.
  • Constructs, copies and distributes educational materials as needed.
  • Assists teacher with parent contact as requested to foster effective and participatory parent involvement in student education.
  • Assists students with special needs in all aspects of classroom instruction to maximize inclusion, learning, achievement of IEP objectives, etc.
  • Participates in IEP process and serves as resource for the student personnel evaluation team as needed.
  • Assists students with physical or mental disabilities with activities of daily living for the purpose of maximizing their ability to participate in school or learning activities.
  • Follows all applicable safety rules, procedures and regulations governing the proper manner of assistance for all students, including those with disabilities or other special needs.
  • May assist in the training of other paraprofessionals.
  • Assist guidance, pupil services staff or building administration, as needed.
  • Perform any other related duties as assigned.


  • High School diploma or equivalent.
  • Successful completion of college level coursework or passing of examination as required by the No Child Left Behind Act.
  • Prior experience working with special needs children desirable.
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