Office Of The Chief Of Staff Of The Army - Washington, DC

posted 2 months ago

Full-time - Mid Level
Washington, DC

About the position

This position is in the Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) and is located at the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army, HQDA G-2 Counterintelligence, HUMINT, Security and Foreign Disclosure Directorate in the Pentagon, Arlington, VA. The role involves serving as an Army Counterintelligence (CI) and Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Collection Management and Enterprise Integration staff officer, focusing on Collection Reports, Requirements, and Assessments. The position requires adherence to U.S. Code, Title 10, and Department of Defense Instruction 1400.25, emphasizing the importance of compliance and expert knowledge in intelligence operations.


  • Serve as an Army Counterintelligence (CI) and Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Collection Management and Enterprise Integration staff officer.
  • Exercise Army G2X staff responsibility for planning, developing, managing, and overseeing reports, requirements, and evaluations for Army CI and HUMINT collection management and integration.
  • Provide expert level knowledge regarding applicable laws, policy, doctrine, programs, Executive Orders, regulations, directives, and guidance for the development of Army CI and HUMINT collection management.
  • Represent the Army's position concerning CI and HUMINT collection enterprise integration and management reports, requirements, evaluations, and related functional priorities at Army, DoD, and Intelligence Community meetings.
  • Plan, develop, and implement a program to measure the effectiveness of Army CI and HUMINT collection programs.
  • Analyze, coordinate, and monitor significant CI and HUMINT functional collection integration and management issues that impact or affect Army equities.


  • At least one year of experience in conducting counterintelligence (CI) and/or human intelligence (HUMINT) collection management roles and responsibilities for an intelligence organization.
  • Experience in coordinating counterintelligence (CI) and/or human intelligence (HUMINT) collection activities to identify, validate, prioritize, task, and assess collection to support intelligence analysis.
  • Knowledge of intelligence processes, cycle, and organizations.
  • Ability to use research tools such as library holdings, photographs, statistics, graphics, and maps.
  • Knowledge of systems, procedures, and methods of analyzing, compiling, reporting, and disseminating intelligence data.


  • Experience in intelligence-related research, analysis, collections, and/or operations.
  • Familiarity with threat support directly related to intelligence operations.


  • Relocation incentives may be authorized for this position.
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