South Bend Community School - South Bend, IN

posted 13 days ago

South Bend, IN
Administration of Human Resource Programs

About the position

An instructional assistant works under the direct supervision of a certified teacher. The teacher plans the instructional assistant's instructional activities and evaluates the achievement of the students with whom the instructional assistant works. The instructional assistant is required to work in close physical proximity of the teacher.


  • Demonstrates knowledge and application of the elements of effective instruction to assist teaching and learning as developed by the certified staff
  • Ability to use instructional techniques.
  • Ability to use data collection and observation techniques.
  • Provides assistance to certified teacher in collecting data for needs assessment, student selection, desired outcomes, and evaluation as requested.
  • Maintains adequate records on student work, personal data and test scores as required by certified teacher.
  • Utilizes appropriate strategies and techniques to provide instructional support in teaching and learning as developed by the certified staff
  • Ability to apply small group instruction techniques for management and support of student learning.
  • Ability to supply specific instructional techniques to support academic areas.
  • May work with individuals or small groups.
  • Ability to apply techniques that support instruction in reading, writing, and math. May monitor seatwork and keep students on task.
  • Demonstrates initiative to assess student needs and create program opportunities designed to meet them.
  • Demonstrates ability to motivate and assist children and youth
  • Uses appropriate interest and ability level material, and modifies materials as necessary.
  • Inspires a love of reading, written/spoken language and math skills. May be involved with reading of stories and additional follow-up activities.
  • Demonstrates proficiency in ways in which technology can assist teaching and learning
  • Assists students with technology driven lessons and assessments.
  • Aware of technological equipment.
  • Demonstrates ability to communicate with colleagues, follow instructions and use problem solving and other skills that will enable the instructional assistant to work as an effective member of the instructional team.
  • Works under the direct supervision of a certified teacher.
  • Communicates with parents in a sensitive and professional manner. May participate in parent conferences as requested.
  • Works cooperatively with district staff members and/or outside agencies as required. Is available at Open House, parent workshops, and special functions as requested.
  • Works cooperatively with building staff members. Maintains personal time cards or other required information. Monitors and records progress of students as directed by certified teacher.
  • Other duties may be assigned as needed.


  • Completed at least two years of study at an institution of higher education, or obtained an associate's degree, or has achieved a passing score on the ParaPro Test.
  • Must have knowledge of and the ability to assist in instructing reading, writing, and math as appropriate.
  • Proficient in reading, written language
  • Knowledge of and willingness to operate computer programs
  • Uses appropriate English
  • Has a history of responsible behavior
  • Is sensitive to children with different ability levels
  • Is sensitive to children of different races, ethnic or religious backgrounds
  • Can work with more than one student at a time
  • Accepts constructive criticism with a positive attitude
  • Writes well to communicate with staff, parents, and administration
  • Is patient, compassionate and enjoys working with children
  • Is familiar with and follows school rules
  • Works well in a team situation and takes direction from certified teacher
  • Knowledge of development appropriate strategies for children
  • Highly motivated, self-starter
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