Bethel University TN - Mckenzie, TN

posted 3 days ago

Mckenzie, TN
Educational Services

About the position

The position involves selecting, training, and supervising undergraduate Residential Life staff while managing operational functions in assigned residence halls. The role includes providing direct services to students, addressing personal issues, and facilitating cultural and educational programming. The incumbent will coordinate administrative operations and participate in the overall planning and management of the residence hall system. The position operates under the administrative direction of the Director of Housing/Residence Life and the general direction of the Dean of Students, with responsibilities spanning all shifts, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, and may require callback as necessary.


  • Establish and maintain communication with students living in the residence halls through individual contacts, meetings, and discussions.
  • Serve as a mediator/facilitator when necessary to provide resolutions for interpersonal conflicts between students.
  • Coordinate implementation of roommate agreement and community agreement process.
  • Supervise Resident Assistants and Hall Monitors.
  • Work with Resident Assistants to assess student needs and interests; anticipate and promote educational, cultural, social, recreational, and service programs, which are supportive to the residence community.
  • Manage operational functions for residence halls such as key distribution and collection, damage assessment, reporting and billing, maintenance requests, and hall openings and closings.
  • Conduct regular inspection rounds of building for safety, maintenance, and cleaning concerns.
  • Enforce housing policies and procedures in cooperation with the housing office and The Student Log.
  • Participate in a rotating 24 hour on-call schedule, being available for emergency situations across campus and working closely with other University representatives to resolve crisis situations.
  • Assist with the Resident selection and hiring process.
  • Perform related accountabilities/responsibilities as required or directed.


  • Bachelor's degree and/or work experience in a residential life/housing facility at a college or university.


  • Master's Degree preferred.
  • Demonstrated leadership and supervisory abilities.
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