St. Thomas Community Health Center - New Orleans, LA
posted 4 days ago
At St. Thomas Community Health Center our mission is to provide culturally competent healthcare of the highest quality, regardless of the patient's ability to pay. Central to our mission is to acknowledge the role of institutional racism as causative of these disparities. As such, our work is directed toward becoming an antiracist institution. To provide clinical care services to support HIV prevention and care, sexual health, and LGBTQ+ health care across STCHC Departments, teams and sites of care. Ensure universal HIV screening as well as linkage to care and up-to-date clinical management for patients living with HIV/AIDS. Provide sexual health services to adolescents and adults, including sexual health education, HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), STI diagnosis and treatment. Ensure universal screening for Hepatitis C and provide on-site treatment for patients with chronic hepatitis C and B.