Department of Defense - Andrews Air Force Base, MD
posted 30 days ago
You will serve as an INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) SPECIALIST (SYSADMIN/CUSTSPT) in the INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT (N6) of the NAVAL AIR FACILITY WASHINGTON (NAF) located on JOINT BASE ANDREWS, MD. You will review, approve, and track to completion all local service requests and all NMCI Area Customer Technical Representatives (ACTR) request for creating, moving or deactivating accounts (Move-Add-Changes, M/A/Cs). You will approve and review requests for any hardware changes, equipment moves, network installation, software installations and facility changes (physical and administrative M/A/Cs). You will be responsible for maintenance of related INFOSEC instructions, and ensure appropriate security documents are posted to command websites. You will assist in or serve as a member of a team for the accomplishment of special studies or projects, and coordinate efforts to implement mandatory technical standards of legacy systems.