City of Scottsdale, AZ - Scottsdale, AZ
posted 12 days ago
Are you an emerging public service professional looking for a summer internship to gain experience in local government management? The City of Scottsdale is offering its annual summer internship that focuses on developing the annual report to the community as part of the budget reporting process. This position will be housed in the City Manager's Office and will work with various city departments. The position provides professional level research and analysis, as well as writing and editing city publications, conducting an employee census, and day-to-day support to city management staff. Overall, this is a project management position that coordinates efforts to collect data across departments and translate that data into visually appealing reports with the help of a professional media designer, all on a firm deadline to provide the public with an overview of the city. This position will be part time, not to exceed 320 hours, and will start on or after June 23rd and should conclude by the start of Fall semester. The ideal candidate will be enrolled in a Master of Public Administration (MPA) / Master of Public Policy (MPP) graduate program or a recent graduate with a MPA or MPP degree.