Grinnell College - Grinnell, IA

posted 12 days ago

Full-time - Entry Level
Grinnell, IA
Educational Services

About the position

The Department of French and Arabic invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in the literatures and cultures of the French-speaking Caribbean, beginning Fall 2025. Assistant Professor (Ph.D.) preferred; Instructor (ABD) or Associate Professor possible. We particularly welcome candidates who have expertise in ecocriticism, film and media studies, gender and sexuality studies, or theatre and performance studies. Experience in reading or speaking creole is also valued. Candidates should be able to teach at all levels of a rigorous, undergraduate curriculum, including Introductory, Intermediate French language, and advanced literary survey courses, and be passionate about teaching in a liberal arts setting. The teaching load is five courses per year, spread over two semesters (with a one-course reduction in the first year). Periodically one course will be a Tutorial (a topical writing/critical thinking course for first-year students, the only College-wide requirement beyond the completion of a major in an individually-advised curriculum). Additional information about our curriculum and faculty can be found at


  • Teach at all levels of a rigorous undergraduate curriculum, including Introductory, Intermediate French language, and advanced literary survey courses.
  • Develop as a teacher and scholar in a highly selective undergraduate liberal arts college.
  • Contribute to a college community that maintains a diversity of people and perspectives as one of its core values.
  • Teach five courses per year, with a one-course reduction in the first year.


  • Ph.D. in relevant field preferred; ABD candidates considered for Instructor position.
  • Expertise in ecocriticism, film and media studies, gender and sexuality studies, or theatre and performance studies.
  • Experience in reading or speaking creole is valued.


  • Experience in teaching a diverse student body.
  • Interest in developing innovative teaching methods.
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