City College of San Francisco - San Francisco, CA

posted about 2 months ago

San Francisco, CA
Educational Services

About the position

Under the general direction of the Counseling Services and Programs Department Chair and the Dean of Student Success, the categorically funded part-time counselor of Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) is responsible for providing academic, transfer, financial aid counseling to first generation low income students. The EOPS counselor will work closely with college students to assist them in achieving their educational and career goals. The counselor will provide support to the students to ensure that they are on the right path to achieve their educational and career goals. This position may work in the evening and/or weekend to meet student needs as necessary. This position will be assigned to the EOPS Counseling under the Counseling Services and Programs Department on campus.


  • Provide academic, career, and personal counseling for students enrolled in the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS), in the Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE), and in the NextUp Program in both individual and group counseling sessions.
  • Demonstrate sensitivity to and understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability, and ethnic backgrounds of community college faculty, staff and students.
  • Develop, update, and maintain accurate student educational plans (SEP) and counseling records for students on assigned caseload.
  • Provide EOPS new students orientations, and group counseling sessions.
  • Provide workshops on career planning, personal development, improving college performance and others as needed.
  • Review EOPS/CARE Student Mutual Responsibility contract with student, and interpret EOPS/CARE eligibility standards, admissions procedures and college regulations.
  • Maintain ongoing contact with students assigned to caseload by conducting a minimum of three counseling contacts per semester with each student.
  • Maintain current, accurate records of counseling sessions.
  • Complete letters of recommendation for students for transfer admittance.
  • Assist in the implementation of special EOPS and CARE activities including outreach, retention, academic success, and transfer activities.
  • Coordinate and write year-end summary of an EOPS/CARE component such as orientation, transfer, student learning outcomes (SLO's), etc., in addition to assigned caseload.
  • Review and determine status and Title 5 eligibility of continuing students on assigned caseload at the end of each term.
  • Connect students with appropriate academic and student support services to enhance student success and timely completion in transferable level English and Math courses, ESL courses, and other certificate, degree, and transfer requirements; support the implementation of AB 705 and AB 1705.
  • Use current and emerging technology and software to provide counseling services such as online counseling and online education plans.
  • Attend EOPS and Student Support Services Division meetings and serve as EOPS/CARE representative on campus committees.
  • Attend regional and state EOPS/CARE meetings and conferences, and participate in professional development activities.
  • Demonstrated leadership skills, e.g. coordinating programs or activities, initiating new services, leading workgroups, etc.
  • Ability and willingness to serve as liaison between campus and community programs.
  • Ability to use current and emerging technologies and various counseling software and tools to provide quality counseling services to students.
  • Participate in departmental and college wide functions such as committee work, staff meetings, professional development activities, curriculum development, and assessment of student learning outcomes.
  • Supports and engages in an innovative culture of culturally responsive, inclusive and anti-racist practices as it relates to student success with an awareness of student equity gaps.
  • Participates in ongoing training on diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism to center pedagogy.
  • Perform other related duties as assigned by supervisor.


  • Demonstrated knowledge, skills, and abilities to work with community college students with disabilities, various sexual orientations, and diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds (Required).
  • Earned Master's Degree in Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling, Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Guidance Counseling, Educational Counseling, Social Work, or Career Development from an accredited institution; or the equivalent.
  • Have completed a minimum of nine (9) semester units of college course work predominantly relating to ethnic minorities or persons handicapped by language, social, or economic disadvantages; or have completed six (6) semester units or the equivalent of a college-level counseling practicum or counseling field work courses in a community college EOPS program, or in a program dealing predominantly with ethnic minorities or persons handicapped by language, social, or economic disadvantages.
  • Two (2) years of occupational experience in work relating to ethnic minorities or persons handicapped by language, social, or economic disadvantages.


  • The equivalent of a minimum of two years full-time verified paid academic counseling experience in a higher education setting, preferably in a California community college.
  • Demonstrated ability and experience working with a diverse student population (historically underrepresented, multi-cultural population in an urban setting, single parents, foster youth, with disabilities, formerly incarcerated, in recovery or rehabilitation, English language learners, educationally disadvantaged, first generation college, low income, etc.).
  • Demonstrated experience writing abbreviated and comprehensive educational plans for students who have a variety of educational goals such as certificates, associate degrees and/or transfer.
  • Demonstrated ability and experience counseling in EOPS or other student support programs in a community college setting.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of EOPS implementation guidelines and relevant sections of Title 5 and Education Code.
  • Demonstrated experience working with agencies and community-based organizations such as juvenile and adult probation, housing assistance, community resources, etc.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in the use of computers and the emerging technologies in the counseling process.
  • Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively and communicate effectively in written and verbal form in a fast-paced environment.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in a language other than English, such as Chinese or Spanish.
  • Evidence of instructional experience at the university or college level using culturally responsive pedagogy.
  • Demonstrated experience with and knowledge of inequities in higher education and a commitment to rectifying policies and processes that restrict access for historically minoritized and disproportionately impacted students.
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