Truckee Meadows Community College - Reno, NV
posted about 1 month ago
Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) is recruiting Part-Time Faculty to teach courses in english language learners for the Department of Adult Basic Education. The college welcomes qualified applicants from all backgrounds for temporary Part-Time Faculty teaching assignments. We seek a diverse pool of candidates to teach in-person or online courses when PT Faculty vacancies occur. Applications are always welcome, and qualified candidates are contacted when teaching opportunities become available. Part-Time Faculty are an essential part of TMCC operations and they continually make a positive impact on our students' lives. Under the supervision of the Program Coordinator, Part-Time Faculty teach course content; assess student learning; stay current in their teaching field; actively refer students to supportive college resources; complete professional development; use current technology; and maintain appropriate standards of ethics and professional conduct. Part-Time Faculty in the Department of Adult Basic Education teach a variety of courses, based on staffing and program needs. Some examples include: ELL 1, ELL 2.