Los Rios Community College District - Sacramento, CA
posted 20 days ago
This class is used to patrol and protect personnel, facilities and property and control traffic. Under general supervision, patrols campus buildings and grounds on foot or by vehicle; checks for signs of prowlers, vandalism, fires or any other danger which might result in loss or damage to property; assists with traffic control, parking and processing of paperwork; reports unusual and suspicious occurrences to local police and fire departments after college hours; reports to supervisor all fire hazards, unsafe conditions and equipment failures; checks doors and windows, secures buildings, turns off unneeded lights, fans, and heaters; enforces building and campus regulations as stated in building-use permit; prevents admittance to school premises of unauthorized persons; sees that no equipment or material is removed from school premises unless authorized by the vice president of administration or designee; makes rounds of inspection and checks all buildings; files appropriate reports; may assist custodial staff; performs other duties as required. (Campus patrol persons are not peace officers as designated by law).