Los Rios Community College District - Sacramento, CA

posted 10 days ago

Sacramento, CA
Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support

About the position

The faculty member shall be responsible for the following: counseling services and/or teaching assigned classes under the supervision of the area dean; helping students fulfill their maximum potential in mastering course content; assessing student learning outcomes; maintaining a thorough and up-to-date knowledge in their regular teaching field; continuing professional development; utilizing current technology in the performance of job duties; maintaining standards of professional conduct and ethics appropriate to the professional position; assisting with articulation and curriculum development and review; serving on college committees and participating in faculty governance including accreditation and student co-curricular activities; assuming other responsibilities as assigned by the area dean; fulfilling other duties and responsibilities of a full-time faculty member.


  • Interpreting and implementing federal, state and county policies as they relate to CalWORKs program requirements.
  • Ensuring that students are informed of county services and resources.
  • Participating in the planning and implementation of case management service delivery, matriculation, and counseling program as directed.
  • Providing individual and group counseling to assist students in making decisions regarding associate's of arts/associate's of science/associate's degree of transfer, transfer, and career/occupational goals.
  • Using current technology to assist students in developing an educational plan based on needs, interests, abilities, achievements, and aptitude to include referrals to instructional and other support services designed to assist students in achieving their educational and/or career goals.
  • Facilitating the use of career assessments and inventories/career tests for students and interpreting the results.
  • Using current technology to assist students in exploring careers, in developing an understanding of the employment environment, and in making and implementing career decisions.
  • Providing short-term crisis counseling services to students as needed.
  • Preparing and maintaining counseling records, relaying pertinent information to college personnel as needed, and respecting the confidentiality of such records as required by law.
  • Developing knowledge and maintaining collaborative working relationships with instructional areas, outreach centers, feeder high school, neighboring colleges, and community resource agencies.
  • Providing counseling for issues impacting persistence and academic success (i.e. academic probation and academic dismissal) and referring students to resources as appropriate and necessary.
  • Providing counseling services to students attending the college through distance education programs.
  • Multi-tasking and synthesizing information accurately and efficiently.
  • Using Microsoft Word, spreadsheets, and other databases to organize and track data.


  • Have a master's in counseling, rehabilitation counseling, clinical psychology, counseling psychology, guidance counseling, educational counseling, social work, career development, marriage and family therapy or marriage, family, and child counseling; OR the equivalent.
  • All degrees must be from an accredited institution completed by the time of hire.
  • A bachelor's degree in one of the listed degrees and a license as a Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) is an alternative qualification for this discipline.
  • Have an equity-minded focus, responsiveness, and sensitivity to and understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, and ethnic backgrounds of community college students, including those with physical or learning disabilities as it relates to differences in learning styles; and successfully foster and support an inclusive educational and employment environment.
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