Weatherford College - Bridgeport, TX

posted about 1 month ago

Part-time - Entry Level
Bridgeport, TX
Educational Services

About the position

Primary duties of adjunct faculty include teaching courses in the approved discipline, providing instruction to facilitate student acquisition of the specific learning outcomes identified for the assigned courses, as well as mentoring students in and outside of the classroom. The adjunct faculty member creates and maintains an effective learning environment in the modalities of the courses assigned, be they face-to-face, hybrid, online, or within the context of dual credit instruction. All faculty members are expected to maintain familiarity with and adhere to College policies and procedures.


  • Teach courses in the approved discipline.
  • Provide instruction to facilitate student acquisition of specific learning outcomes.
  • Mentor students in and outside of the classroom.
  • Create and maintain an effective learning environment in various modalities.
  • Adhere to College policies and procedures.


  • Possess minimum Southern Association of Colleges and Schools credential standards for faculty teaching courses designed for workforce certificate or degree completion.
  • Experience in programming appendage and/or wheeled/legged robotics.


  • Bachelor degree in Engineering, Robotics, Automation, or similar.
  • Relevant experience in programming of Fortran, Python, Raspberry Pi, ROS, C++.
  • Experience in programming robotics in automation integration in both programmed and autonomous applications, including Artificial Intelligence (AI).
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